Monday, April 10, 2017

Emile Meng

Danish Girl Murdered After Train Ride 

From Wikipedia:
The killing of Emilie Meng called a very serious crime. The case received much media attention, and a massive investigation by both military and police who put up posters with the call for Emilie Meng across the country.

Disappeared in 168 days

Emilie Anine Skovgaard Meng (born Korsor 31. July 1998 , died July 10, 2016 or shortly thereafter) disappeared July 10, 2016 from Korsor for a city tour in Slagelse with her girlfriends. They arrived around noon. 4 in the morning on Korsor station and Emilie would go home alone on foot.

Many volunteers helped police in searching for the girl. There were several inquiries to the police which led to three suspects. Among other things, a 33-year-old truck driver and a man of 67 who had his house ransacked five times, but it turned out later that they had nothing to do with it. After four months working intelligence director Søren Ravn Nielsen police with three theories:

She has a period chosen to live somewhere else;

She has been subjected to an accident in one form or another;

She has been subjected to a crime

Found dead investigated as a crime

Emilie was found dead at Rain Marks Bakker near Borup the 24. december 2016. The police cordoned off and investigated the find site. Police said at a press conference the next evening that Emilie Meng had faced a very serious crime. [6] Police are investigating evidence and mobile traffic from the area where Emilie disappeared and where she was found.

Monday, December 26, 2016 was held a commemoration at Korsor Station where several hundred were present, among them the mayor of the municipality of Slagelse , stone Knuth

Danish police had intensively searched for the17-year-old Emilie Meng since she was reported missing on July 10

The 17-year-old Emilie Meng, who had been missing since July, was found dead on December 24 in a lake west of Køge in Zealand.

Her body was discovered in the afternoon by a passer-by who went for a walk in the forest area of Regnemarks Bakke near Borup.

According to the statement of South Zealand Police, the teenage girl was a victim of a crime.

The police believes Meng’s corpse was hidden in the lake shortly after the crime took place on July 10.

No further details about her death have been released as the forensic investigation is still underway.

About 45 people have already contacted the police with information that might help the investigation.

Meng was last seen at 4 am on Sunday when she said goodbye to her two girlfriends at Korsør Station after a night out in Slagelse.

She was expected to sing at a local church at 9:30 but never showed up.

The Zealand Police searched for the girl intensively and her case was also heavily covered by the Danish media.

On Christmas Day, residents of Korsør – Meng’s hometown – laid flowers at the train station, where she was last seen alive.


I was asked to do this case by a reader. I almost passed on it because the information is scattered and often different and since it happened in another country there is little about it online in the U.S. But I was able to isolate times and dates and locations well enough to get readable charts so I gave it a shot. Right away the charts were viable and informative so I was able to get a reading. Here is my analysis of the case.

In this first chart, drawn for the time she was last seen, it is obvious that she did, in fact, get on that train. The first house ruler, the Moon, is in the fourth in the sign Virgo, conjoined Jupiter and disposed of by Mercury; these are all significant markers for travel. She is in a "square building" of some sort, according to the fourth, which I assume is the train car and with the third house ruler in the first, she is moving. So I am pretty sure she is on the train.

Here is the thing. The person she is about to meet, described by the seventh house ruler, is someone who works on that train. Note Saturn in Sagittarius in the sixth house. Sagittarius rules travel as well as Mercury and the sixth house shows employment. So this person was also on board. Notice, however, that Pluto is angular in the seventh and opposing her Sun. For some reason, this person has violence towards her and it may have been an instant dislike. Pluto disposed of by Saturn in the sixth and also Mars in the sixth as well tells me that this is a man, he was worked on the train for a very long time, he is older than Emile and he has an angry, violent nature. He hates his job.

Neptune angular in the tenth trining the Sun in the first tells me he has done many secret things at his job, a lot of them either dangerous or illegal. The T Square in this chart involving Pluto in the seventh opposing the Sun in the first squaring Uranus in the eleventh shows this man expresses sexual desire through fits of rage and is only able to have sex with strangers; he has perversities he is not comfortable sharing and avoids closeness with others. Emile triggers desire in him and he is aroused but also enraged by her.

Here you can see the Moon moving out of the fourth into the third house while the first house ruler and seventh house rulers change. She is stepping out of "the box" (or train car) and walking. The node nearby with Jupiter indicates that this is a path well traveled and she has walked here many times in the past. She feels safe here. Saturn has moved into the fifth house from the sixth so we can assume the other person has gotten off work and left the train. He probably often has a drink or two after work and this may be a bar or other public place (the fifth house) he is visiting.

Since the house cusps are advancing and the rulers are changing, we can see that the whole situation is about to change drastically.

This chart seems to show us that she was murdered within 45 minutes of leaving the train. What happened in the meantime I might ask and I can guess that she was followed and distracted somehow. The charts are not clear on this but she must have been transported somehow as I look at the maps of the area and see there is an hour travel time between the station she was last seen at and the lake where her body was left. She was overcome right out in the open (seventh house ruler in the tenth) on the footpath (Moon in the third). Moon in the third also shows transport, which would mean she was taken from the footpath to another location. Virgo being ruled by Mercury is another indicator of a vehicle and, in this instance, describes a small vehicle such as a car. Although it might also be a motorbike, it is unlikely he could move her with a motorbike without meeting resistance.

I am not clear on whether she drowned or was killed in another manner and her body was dumped but the charts do show her body tossed into the water. The cluster of planets in the twelfth in Cancer with the first house ruler trine to Neptune in Pisces in the eighth house while opposing the cluster in Virgo in the third. He followed her off that train and managed to carry her off or otherwise commandeer her. Uranus rules the seventh so this was a last minute, spur of the moment decision and it had a lot to do with sexual attraction as Uranus is disposed of by Mars in the fifth. Mars rules the tenth from the fifth and is trine to the twelfth house Cancer planets.

Because of the ongoing sexual markers in the charts and his apparent anger over this attraction I am thinking he may have assaulted her, even raping her. There are markers here that indicate sexual assault (the seventh house ruler disposed of by Mars in the fifth) Mars ruling the tenth also tells us that violence has occurred in this home (the location to which she was removed) in the past which supports our understanding of the kidnapper as a violent man.

There has been little said of the condition of her body or the manner of death beyond saying she had been in the water a very long time. The charts show this and with Neptune in the eighth and ruling the eighth in the sign Pisces, I would tend to wager that she was drowned. Because she would have resisted and made this difficult, I am assuming she was unconcious when she was dumped. But I cannot say any of this for sure. She was hidden in the water and obviously hidden well because it took the authories months to find her (Neptune) and the home where she was taken was a lovely property with lots of flowers in a family suburb (Venus ruling the fourth in the sign Cancer). It would have been there that she had been assaulted and either killed or rendered unconcious before being taken out to the water and left. This was all done within an hour after her disappearance.