FROM: Rocky Mount NC
Tony Wilkins, 6-30-10, 520 D Cascade Avenue. The victim was shot by an unknown suspect while inside the victim’s residence.
FROM: Rocky Mountain Telegram
Police probe shooting death
By Br Ie Handgraaf Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Cries of grief echoed through a usually quiet neighborhood Wednesday morning when personnel from Hunter Odom Funeral Home pulled the body of homicide victim Tony Wilkins, 41, out of his home in South Rocky Mount.
“I need to see my father,” the victim’s only son, Tony A. Wilkins, said.
Shock was evident on friends and neighbor’s faces as they watched Rocky Mount police investigate the shooting of Wilkins. Officers were dispatched to the 500 block of Cascade Avenue at 9:19 a.m. in response to a report of a shooting with injuries. Upon arrival, police said they located Wilkins inside the residence and emergency personnel did what they could, but he was pronounced dead at 9:38 a.m.
Capt. Laura Fahnestock said she could not comment further on the homicide because it is an ongoing investigation. She said this is the sixth homicide in Rocky Mount for the year and arrests have been made in the other five cases.
Wilkins’ niece, Deshonda Evans, said she heard about the incident from a friend.
“I got a text message saying my uncle had been shot,” she said. “I was just shocked. He keeps to himself. I don’t know of any enemies he had.”
Evans contacted other family members, including Wilkins’ son, Tony A. Wilkins, who arrived at the scene, which was packed with emergency personnel and law enforcement. The victim’s brother-in-law, James Evans, also was watching as police investigated the incident and said he couldn’t believe what happened.
“I’ve known him about 25 years, and I’m just really shocked,” he said. “He was such a hard-working guy.”
Evans said Wilkins had lived at the apartment for 15 or 16 years with no problems in the past.
“He kept that apartment because his mom had died there,” Deshonda Evans said. “He had another house by the mall with his girlfriend.”
She said Wilkins’ girlfriend, Renee Wade, was inconsolable.
“She was devastated. She was just torn to pieces,” Deshonda Evans said. “We all are.”
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As you can see, not much was published or discovered in this case. Although the victim wasn't a criminal and was actually an upstanding member of the community, his case was overlooked for many reasons. They have just never made any headway in this case as, I suppose, other, more urgent, cases came across their radar. But I realized, after studying these charts, that this case was a great teaching tool for my readers. There are many things in these charts that can give a clear perspective when it comes to a viable analysis.
The first chart I drew was for 9 am. The 911 call was made at about 9:19 and he was already dead when the cops arrived at 9:38 am. This is a tight window of time and it is an example of the kind of cases that are you will commonly come across in forensic work. Not every case is an abduction, a parent killing their child or a woman being raped and left dead in the woods. Many of the cases are simple shootings and they involve every race, sex and age group.

In this first chart for 9 am, Mr. Wilkins is still alive but you can see that other people are already in the picture. The first house ruler, the Sun, which is the victim's marker, is in the eleventh house along with Mercury, which, by the way, also rules the eleventh. This is not an angular house but the Sun is the first house ruler, so we have to analyze it. What it says is that this man was with a friend, a younger friend by Mercury. Also Mercury and the Sun are both in the sign Cancer and are disposed of by the Moon, which co rules the chart. This tells me that there was a family connection between this friend and the victim. This person may have been connected to a daughter or a brother or any other relative. That is how the victim knew this person and considered them a family friend. But you have to take notice of the seventh house ruler, which describes the victim's killer. The seventh house ruler in this instance is Uranus and it is in the eighth house. This always describes a criminal, a sleazy person who lives on the edge, outside of society. This person is living a life of crime. Here you have Uranus conjoined Jupiter, which rules the fifth house. At the same time, Neptune is angular in the seventh and is close to the Moon. The fourth house ruler, Pluto, is in the fifth. This person is involved in drugs and drug dealing, illegal items used for "partying". And Mercury, which describes this young person who is a family friend, is directly opposed the node in the fifth. This shows a plot or a scheme involving drugs. Uranus is disposed of by Mars in the second house. This shows an aggressive attempt at robbery, with the use of a weapon, most likely a gun.
Sun and Mercury disposed of by the Moon, which is conjoined Neptune, shows a ruse was used to fool the victim. The drug dealer was disguised in some manner to get him into the house. This most likely means that a story was told, a lie, actually, to make the victim trust the appearance of this person, who was an outright criminal. The north node conjoined the fourth house ruler, Pluto, is a clear sign that they wanted to enter this man's home in order to gain control over him with violence. The fourth house ruler, Pluto, is disposed of by Saturn in Virgo in the second house, so it is clear that they thought the victim had some money. Notice also that the two most prominent dispositors have connections to Mercury, which seems to indicate that this young family member led this criminal to believe that the victim had money. Perhaps he owed the drug dealer money for drugs and felt his life was in danger. This is sort of hinted at with Neptune conjoined the Moon and Mercury sitting under the Sun's beams. But another scenario seems plausible, as well. That they came there to rob the victim of his money so they could go ahead and party some more. Uranus conjoined Jupiter in the eighth makes me think they had planned to kill the victim if he resisted. That the money was that important.
So far, I am hoping that this chart is showing very clearly what various placements mean in the forensic chart. I ran the next chart for 9-38 am because that is when the police declared the victim dead. And actually nothing much changes in these charts except that Mars moves into the first house, which I have seen before in shootings. This means that he had been shot in the head (the first house rules the head). In most cases like this, with a tight window of time, the Astrologer is not going to find a lot of change in the charts. The charts, in many cases, remain static. You will have to glean almost everything from the first chart you draw. That includes describing the killer, the car he may have been driving, his or her connection to the victim and what happens to the victim in that window of time. Let's try to get as much as we can from this chart.
Notice that Mars rules the ninth house and that this is the dispositor of the seventh house ruler, Uranus. Mars is in Virgo so this describes a small, white or black vehicle. Very plain and inexpensive. Mercury is expressive, rules the hands and the written word so there may be stickers or other writings or drawings on the vehicle. The vehicle could be a van because of Mercury's association with transport and if it is a van, there would be more than two windows. Mercury also rules the eyes and is alert to the environment. Mars is disposed of by Mercury in Cancer so if it is a van there would be a lot of seats for moving family around. The van might actually be blue or green (Cancer) with white or black (Virgo) interior. It may be a bit beat up from a lot of use but it would be essentially clean.
In describing the people involved, let's start with the young person the victim considered a friend. This person has a family connection of some sort; he may even be a relative but, at the very least, he has a connection to someone in the nuclear family. Mercury describes someone younger than the victim but considering that Mr. Wilkins was 41 years old, this person could be in his (or her) thirties. This person had secrets (Neptune) that were kept from the rest of the family and no one knew the real situation. Neptune points to hidden drug use. And because both planets in the seventh house are disposed of by Uranus in the eighth, the young person was also involved in criminal activity and kept this from everyone. There was a close connection to the criminal drug dealer in question because of the subject's involved use of illegal drugs. Because Saturn is in the second house disposing of the fourth house ruler, this young person believed that older members of the family had money and that he or she had a right to take what was wanted. This person had planned to rob Mr. Wilkins for a substantial amount of money (Capricorn) to spend on partying (the fifth house). So consideration should also be given to members or friends of the family who had financial troubles.
In describing the criminal in question, the man who was brought to the home by the younger friend, you have to analyze Uranus in Aries in the eighth house. I have already stated that the seventh house ruler in the eighth house always describes a criminal, a dangerous person who does not play by the rules. We have established, through our analysis thus far, that he was a drug dealer. Aries can also describe outlaws, people in hiding, or those running from the law. It is possible there was already a warrant on this man and he was hiding from the police. Uranus in Aries in the eighth points to a history of violent crime so it is possible that this man had already been in prison. The tweflth house ruler, the Moon, is conjoined Neptune in the seventh so this was probably for drugs and drug dealing. Perhaps this person is no stranger to using guns in his "business". I am going to say now that I beleive this person was a man. I still cannot say for sure whether the younger family friend was male or female. That person could be either one. In considering the male criminal, Aries describes someone either very tall and somewhat lean or someone shorter and very muscular. There is a "masculine" air about this man, a sense that he is tough and strong and unafraid to fight. Aries describes weapons that either chop or fire. This might mean axes and it might also mean a gun. In this instance, we already know that the victim was shot. So you can mark that down in your journal as a descriptor for a shooting. Mars in the first.
People described by Uranus are often unusual or interesting looking. There is something cerebral and logical about them. They do not act or react emotionally, they tend to think things through. Planning and design is a part of their nature so their crimes are usually well thought out and planned. Considering all factors, someone described by Uranus in Aries would have striking features, a commanding personality and an unusual personal style. Uranus in Aries in the eighth house also describes someone brave and daring, unafraid of challenges or change, can be dangerous when crossed and unwilling to bend to the "rules" which they see as someone elses' idea. This man is original, aggressive and unafraid, which can make him very dangerous as a criminal bent on living outside of society.