From Sondra London :
[SL: Did you meet or talk to any of the victims beforehand?] DHR 6/27/94: No. But I did peek in on Miss Hoyt the night before her murder.
Late that night, 18-year-old DeLand native Christa Leigh Hoyt, a student at Santa Fe Community College who worked full time as a records clerk for the Alachua County Sheriff's office and was known to her friends as Glow-worm, was murdered in her duplex apartment at the end of a dead-end street. She had just returned home from playing racquetball with Paul Daniel Schwartz and talking with him until about 9:00 p.m. She was last seen and videotaped at Vern's Kwik Stop at 9:28 p.m. wearing clothes similar to those worn when killed.
IR3622: 8/25/90 Sat. 2128 hours victim CHRISTA HOYT ID at Vern's Quick Stop, SW 34th St., ID is made after review of store surveillance tape. Documented in report #2875, #2876, #3214, by CIA Dennard.
[SL: Why did you go in and out of Vern's Kwik Stop so often?] DHR 6/27/94: It was the closest store. It was just nearby. HOLD ON! If this is the store I used by the apartments where Manuel & Tracy were killed... the same thing. It was just convenient.
ROLLING'S PLEA AGREEMENT: During the evening hours of Saturday, August 25, 1990, the defendant, Danny Harold Rolling, did enter the apartment which served as the residence of Christa Hoyt. The residence was located at 3533 SW 24th Avenue, Apartment M, Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida.
The defendant broke into Christa Hoyt's apartment by using a screwdriver to break or dislodge the locking mechanism of the sliding glass door at the rear of her apartment. At the time he entered her apartment, the defendant was armed with both an automatic pistol and a knife, to-wit: the same knife used to murder Christina Powell and Sonja Larson. The defendant entered into or remained within the structure with the intent to commit sexual battery with great force and murder.
Upon entering the apartment, the defendant, Danny Harold Rolling, moved a bookshelf from the alcove area adjacent to the front door. He placed the bookshelf in the bedroom at the rear of the apartment. The defendant then returned to the living room area and awaited the arrival of Christa Hoyt, a young woman in whose bedroom he had peeked a few days earlier.
At approximately 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Christa Hoyt returned to her apartment. Upon entering her apartment, the defendant surprised her from behind and placed a choke-hold upon her. After a brief struggle, the defendant was able to subdue Christa Hoyt. He then taped her mouth and her hands behind her back. He then led her to the bedroom where he cut and/or tore off her clothing and undergarments.
Danny Harold Rolling placed Christa Hoyt on the bed and did then and there commit a sexual battery with great force upon Christa Hoyt, a female over eighteen years of age, by penetrating her vagina with his sexual organ, without her consent, and in the process thereof did use and/or threaten to use a deadly weapon, to-wit: a knife.
Upon completion of the sexual battery with great force, the defendant turned Christa Hoyt face down on the bed and did then and there out of a premeditated design to effect her death, stab Christa Hoyt through the back with such force that her aorta was ruptured and she died.
The state would prove through the testimony of the Medical Examiner that the cause of death of Christa Hoyt was the stab wound inflicted upon her by the defendant, Danny Harold Rolling.
After posing Christa Hoyt's body, the defendant exited the apartment.
IR3622: 8/25/90 Sat. CRIME SCENE #2 - POSSIBLE TIME FRAME OF DEATH OF HOYT: Sat. 8/25 2200 HOURS THRU Sat. 8/26 0400 HOURS Sun.
IR 0098: Dr. Edward Copeland, Dean of Medical Students (University of Florida/Shands), commented that the incision he observed in the abdominal area was centered in a manner he characterized as either "Expert or Very Lucky". He then commented that the incision was in the medial area where the abdominal muscles attach. He also commented that the bowel did not appear to be perforated by this incision. The doctor then stated that the perpetrator had been "very meticulous." He said that applied also to the removal of the nipples that he also observed. Dr. Copeland stated that the knife used would have to be very sharp and that cutting through the cervical vertebra as cleanly as he observed could only have been accomplished by disarticulating the vertebra.
DHR 6/7/94: I have studied human & animal anatomy. I've witnessed an autopsy while employed with LSU Medical Center. I have also been present during dissection of cadavers by med students at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Shreveport, Louisiana. Also - I'm an expert deer hunter and I have field-dressed many a felled doe or buck.
The incisions performed on C.H. & S.L. were not strokes of luck... but rather - knowledge acquired. For someone who lacked this knowledge of anatomy and hands-on skills, what was done would have been extremely difficult.
But... take into consideration - this knowledge Danny never intended to harm his fellow man with. GEMINI used my hands to work his terrible will.
Dr. Chip Souba offered the opinion that decapitation was especially difficult because the bones overlap in the cervical column.
DHR 6/7/94: The knife was razor sharp... the force in that place took the head off easily... cleanly... quickly. Just as the bookshelf was moved from the living room to the bedroom without even causing a single item to fall from its shelves. When GEMINI surfaced, the elements of the night made me physically stronger. So much so... it's hard to believe myself.
On the night of Christy Hoyt's murder I Danny Rolling broke into her apartment by using a screwdriver to pry open the double glass doors to and enter her bedroom. The time was approximately 10:00 o'clock p.m. I waited until Miss Hoyt returned. She had apparently been playing tennis. She was dressed in athletic T-shirt and shorts and tennis shoes. I watched her approach across the green lawn. She opened the door to her apartment and entered closing the door behind her. It was dark and I had moved a bookcase to her bedroom earlier to have a place to hide in the corner by the front door. She placed the tennis balls and racket on the kitchen table, her back was to me, but she heard me moving towards her. She turned just as I grabbed her. There was a brief struggle and we went to the floor. I then duct taped her mouth closed and taped her hands behind her back. Then I moved her to the bedroom. She was placed on the water bed and her clothing was removed. I discovered she was on her period, and so I removed her Tampax. Then I raped her. After wards I turned her on her back and stabbed her once-over the heart through the back on the right side. She died quickly. 8 to 10 seconds and it was over. I then turned her over on her back. A redaction occurs. And left. The knife I used was a military issued Ka-Bar. After I had left eye discovered I had lost my wallet. So I returned to Miss Hoyt's apartment to look for it. It was nowhere to be found. As I was leaving, a redaction occurs. Then, I sat up Miss Hoyt's body so it was sitting up on the edge of the water bed with its arms resting on its knees. A stream of blood poured and poured and pooled at its feet. Then I left it that way. Sitting up. I have one question I need to ask the witness. Were you ever told why the positioning of the body took place?] Yes, sir. [Why did he say he did that?] He said he wanted to leave everybody something to think about. He wanted to invoke terror.
DHR 8/11/94: The bedroom light was bearing down on Christa, and she sensed what was next. Then... THE EVIL filled the room... like dark clouds boiling over the graves of gotten grief.
The reel in Danny's mind turned slowly. He was there... but it was as if he was not a player in this drama. He became the audience observing his appendages acting out the orchestrated horror GEMINI conducted.
He could see Christa being turned on her stomach... the KNIFE rising... then plunging into her back... but there was no sound. Only the slow-mo strobe flashing horrific pictures in his mind.
She died quickly. The blade burst the A-artery... 10 seconds... and life leaked out, leaving her still.
The Man removed the tape that bound her... turned her over again... and stripped the same from her blood-filled mouth.
She lay looking at him with accusing lifeless eyes. THOSE EYES... He would never forget the way they bore into him. He reached out and closed them, turning away
8/27/90 At about 12:30 a.m., Christa Hoyt's body was found mutilated and decapitated in her duplex apartment.
I have been doing a series of analysis on the Gainesville Student Murders. I have been doing this due to a volume of requests for an analysis of a solved murder in order to see what Astrology would have offered and comparing that to the known facts. I call this "making a case for Astrology". I chose the Gainesville murders because these were close to my home in Florida and I followed the case closely at the time, in fact, I lived and breathed it. It was the most horrendous and shocking crime spree to come to Florida since Ted Bundy and Gerald Stano. The case had lots of twists and turns, including the arrest of a young man who lived literally 15 miles from me, a young man with bi polar disorder and who was later found to be completely innocent in the matter. The search for the real killer went on for 3 years and I went to the trial in 1994 with the intention of writing a book about it. Although the editors gave my idea the courtesy of a meeting and discussion, they chose to go with another, more seasoned crime writer. Her book is available on Amazon. None the less, I had a front row seat for this event and I was also able to obtain birth dates for all of the victims as well as the murderer and also a pretty good time line for the actual murders.
The third victim in this string of murders, Christa Hoyt was last seen at 9:29 pm that evening, leaving the Quik Stop and heading home. She had just finished playing tennis with her friend and talking with him until "around 9:30 pm" according to his recollection. The reported facts, according to all sources, have her actually returning home at 11 pm. We also know that Rolling was already waiting inside when she returned. This particular murder was the centerpiece to Rolling's murderous rampage. He was choosing women who reminded him of his ex wife, O'Mather, who left him, divorced him and took his daughter away to places unknown. During the trial and the entire event, O'Mather was not heard from, at least not publicly. Christa Hoyt was the girl who looked the most like O'Mather. The others were choices made on similarities and sexual attraction, as I have and will point out. This murder was not so much based on sexual attraction than it was on rage. Danny Rolling was so filled with hate towards his ex wife that this murder was the result of that anger. It was the most brutal and most sensational of all 5 murders and is still talked about in whispered, shocked voices. I will not take from the brutality and cruelty of all the murders, in fact, seasoned police officers left the Powell-Larson apartment and vomited on the front lawn. But this one was the most outrageous, with the girl beheaded and sliced open, left in a posed position on the edge of her bed. Rolling went so far as to move a bookshelf from the living room into the bedroom so he could pose her head on the shelf with a mirror positioned so that the head was visible from anyone coming in through the front door or looking under the drapes, which is what police did. Imagine their shock when they saw her severed head. This was one for the books.

Notice how in the first chart, drawn for 10:00 pm, that the seventh house ruler, Venus, is in the fifth house. This shows Rolling already in her bedroom. In his statement he said he entered the home at around 10 pm. Notice that Venus was in Leo at the time and put this together with the staging that went on. Interesting, no? He staged the body and the head with lighting and with mirrors. There is nothing more dramatic than that. Notice that Mars rules the first and that the Moon is in the eighth with Pluto. These are omens. These positions are in place before she arrives and will remain so during the murder. Pluto and the Moon together in the eighth describes violent death. Mars and Pluto also rule the eighth house cusp. Also note that Mars is disposed of by Venus, which is the seventh house ruler, showing Christa moving towards Danny, he being the person she is "next to meet". And the coup de gras in this chart is that Mars in Taurus is conjoined the violent fixed star Caput Algol and the weeping sisters, the Pleiades. These markers are present in every single one of the Gainsesville murders. The Moon in Sagittarius is sinister to a conjunction with Dschubba, a fixed star meaning "murder". Pluto is sinister to a conjunction with the star, Unukalhai, which means "drugs or drug abuse" and we know that drugs fueled his fury. He was smoking crack, using meth and drinking at the time. And I must also point out that the north node, in the eleventh house, is opposed to the fixed star Asellus Austral, which means murder by decapitation, and this is placed in the fifth house. We know he was in the bedroom when she arrived, we know she was killed in that bedroom and we know that she was raped and decapitated. All of this is defined by the seventh house ruler in the fifth combined with Asellus Austral.
The coroner placed the possible time of death between 10 pm that evening on the 25th or as late as 4 am on the morning of the 26th. Now, we know she was discovered on the 27th. When looking at the time lines for these murders, you have to realize that there are differences based on the time of discovery as compared to the probable time of death. All of these murders occurred between Aug 24 and Aug 27 although the first victims weren't discovered until the 26th. The second victim was killed the very next night after the first two but was not discovered until the 27th, the same night he was finishing up at the third murder scene. The 25th and 26th had been a weekend and she wasn't due into work until Monday so it was Monday night at midnight when they first started looking for her. So the times you hear are variable and hard to figure out. I have looked at many different sources, the best one being the report of Sondra London of her interviews with Rolling. But even this is not concise because he was hopped up on drugs the whole time and his memory is skewed. The police have a vague idea of when things happened because of the windows given for time of death. I used all sources in coming to my conclusions about the times I used. If you have something different and can substantiate it, I invite you to comment or email me. There is another site that is somewhat informative and that I used in coming to my conclusions. It is the report from the Clark County Prosecutors office on the murders and the execution of the killer. You can see it HERE. Rolling claimed to be possessed by a demon named "Gemini", which is interesting because he is a Gemini, born on 5/26/1954. He got the idea from a movie about a demon named Gemini that possessed people's bodies. Pretty convenient, if you ask me. He was judged to be sane and full of you know what and executed for his crimes after a full confession, with gory details as you can see from the excerpt I published at the beginning of this post. I believe he entered Hoyt's apartment shortly after 10 pm, spent about 30-40 minutes moving the shelf and setting the scene and then hiding in her bathroom. I believe he was hiding there because there were signs of a struggle in that bathroom. He snatched her as she walked down the hallway, I think. He also washed himself after each murder, cleaning the bodies, as well, rinsing away evidence and then posing them for shock value. Christa Hoyt was his "masterpiece". He had stalked her at the restaurant where he mother worked as a waitress, drinking coffee and watching her through dark sunglasses. He followed her home and almost killed her first but was distracted by Christina Powell in the Quik Stop. After killing Powell, he rushed right over the very next night to expend his charged up lust on his real target, Christa Hoyt, who looked so much like that wife that dumped him. He waited one extra night before killing Tracy Paules and then leaving town.

I will say that the charts concur with the various reports that she likely returned home at 11 pm. Looking at this chart, you can see that the first house ruler, Venus, is just entering the fourth. This is, literally, Christa walking through the front door of her home. Notice how the seventh house ruler, Mars, is right in the first, along with the conjoined fixed stars, Algol and Pleiades. Wow. At this same moment, the Moon and Pluto are right at the descendant. He literally attacked her within minutes of entry. Moon conjoined Pluto shows us extreme violence on the subject. Mars and the fixed stars in the first confirm it. Notice, also, how the descendant is combust (along combust way) and is near another group of violent fixed stars. The eighth house ruler, Jupiter, is in the fourth, showing us the subject dieing in her home. The eighth house ruler is also sinister to a conjunction with Asellus Austral, which describes death by decapitation. In this instance, this was the only victim which was decapitated. This is an interesting link. The fact that both Pluto and Mars rule the seventh house, this chart shows somebody bent on violence and murder. No holds barred. The eighth house ruled by Sagittarius, to me, describes the big knife he used. It was a HUNTING knife, to boot.
The twelfth house ruler, Neptune, is in the ninth, showing that she would not be discovered right away and would remain "hidden" for awhile. The ninth house shows the authorities and in this case she was discovered by the police. In the other cases, family found the first victims and the maintenance man found the last victims. Hoyt worked for the police so when she didn't come into work, officers went to the scene. Notice how Neptune is conjoined the tenth house ruler and that the tenth and ninth house rulers are the same. This was Hoyt's chosen career and the reason she was in school. The charts just reveal things as I go along, not always in the right order or at the right time, but remember that time is our invention and that the stars don't even know what it is. We use it as a base of reference, nothing more. So she came home at 11 pm and he jumped her as she walked down the hall. She struggled and he took her into the bathroom to beat her into submission. There was spatter on the walls and shower curtain. He did not kill her there because he wanted her alive for the rape that was to come.

Looking at the chart for midnight, I would say that it describes a forming death pattern. I cannot say for sure exactly when she died except to give a fair window of midnight to 1 am. The death pattern in the next chart, drawn for 1 am, is very clear. In this chart, it is just forming. However, time in the realm of an Astrology chart is very different than actual time on Earth. The movements of planets can be synchronized but the ratio is very tiny, with planets moving much more slowly than actual time as we measure it. Time is based on distance and the distance of some planets is enormous. So we estimate. Using certain aspects in the time charts, I can give an estimation. And I think she died between midnight and 12:30 am. The charts create the right aspects and placements during that timeframe. She was definitely dead by 1 am. This chart, drawn for midnight, shows the actual time of death in my humble opinion. Mars, which rules the seventh, is right at the Ascendant. The fourth house ruler, the Sun, is in the fourth in Virgo. Interestingly, Mercury rules the fifth and is in the fifth, which hints that she may have been killed during sex. I think he said that he stabbed her in the back while raping her from behind. This looks like the truth from here. The first house ruler, Venus, is in the fourth house, as well, showing this girl at her home. The fourth house describes the coffin so here she dies in her home. Mars is disposed of by Venus so he went there to do this, planned it in advance. He stalked her, this is now a known fact, but here in the charts it is clear. He was focused on her. She was the object of his lust and his rage. Venus is in Leo, which I have noted before, again emphasizing the drama of this event, the staging, the lighting, the "presentation". Notice, also, that the node is right at the midheaven. He has accomplished his "goal". This is his "work".

I think he was out of that apartment by 1 am. Looking at the chart above I see that the descendant ruler is in the third house which describes someone being outside of a building (the third is next to the fourth), behind the building (third being the twelfth from the fourth) or on the road outside (third house describes roads, avenues, highways, etc..). He is still in the neighborhood as shown by the charts (third house) and we know now he had a tent in the woods near to Archer Road, which is where the apartment was located. Another interesting note is that Jupiter is disposed of by the Sun in Virgo in the fourth house and he claimed to have left his wallet in the apartment. He went back later, he claims, to retrieve it. Interesting fact I wanted to point out. You can see in this chart, as well, that the first house ruler, Mercury, is in the fourth house, showing her to be in her home. Mercury is involved in a Grand Trine with Mars in Taurus in the twelfth house and Saturn in Capricorn in the eighth. Quite an interesting twist on the death pattern. North node is in the ninth house at the time of his exit, showing us that everything he did was staged just for the authorities. He wanted law enforcement to be shocked by his "work". In fact, he planned it as a performance, of sorts, just for the cops to "enjoy". This dovetails with his claim that he would kill one person for every year he spent in jail, a payback of sorts to the authorities that punished him "unjustly" in his opinion. He was giving the cops a "taste" perhaps of what he saw as their own "medicine"?? The node is also disposed of by Uranus, which tells me he wanted to do something "different" or "unusual", something that would stand out. This is also supported by the opposition of Uranus to Jupiter in Leo, the seventh house ruler.
How would I describe Danny Rolling, in retrospect? Well, we all know who he was and what he looked like and I can't be positive my take on the aspects wouldn't be tainted by that. But I will try to be brutally honest, even where the traditional readings don't fit. I will simply give them to you for your own judgement. He is described in all of these charts by the same planet, over and over again, Mars in Taurus. In traditional readings, Mars in Taurus gives medium height, not short and not too tall. There is a well made, muscular body. The complexion would be ruddy and the hair would be coarse and thick. The face would be oval in shape with a scar on the head or neck. These are the simple physical descriptors given by traditional readings. Consider that he worked out, jogged, lifted weights, etc.. then the muscular body descriptors would fit. He was seen lifting weights in the front yard of his father's home in Louisiana many times and was jogging around Gainesville in camo gear. I do not think that the ruddy complexion or the oval face fits him. However, although he was losing his hair at the forehead, he had a big bushy head of hair. I do not know about a scar. But consider that I would add more to this description from my own interpretations and you can consider if you think these might apply and if they fit the profile for Mars in Taurus. I would say that this person was hard headed, one track minded, hard to divert. He would get a bead on something and never let it go. I would also say he never forgot a slight and held grudges. And I think this works both ways. It is descriptive of Mars in Taurus and here we have a man so enraged over his ex wife that he goes about killing other women as "revenge". Also, consider Mars in Taurus would love to cook and eat. I don't know about cooking but I do know that he had a signature at the homes he broke into. He would eat out of the refrigerator and leave the food out for the people to see, a sort of "calling card". At each of the murder scenes, he ate something out of their kitchen before leaving...every single time. Mars in Taurus would also have a love for money and comforts. Now, we know he was dirt poor and lived in a tent, which is typical of earth sign influence, living outdoors. But he robbed banks. Mars, an aggressive planet, in a money sign like Taurus, this also makes sense. He robbed banks to buy drugs and the hunting gear he used in his stalking, raping and killing adventures. I do not think of Mars in Taurus as a hunting position, per se, but I would attribute it with lust and a love for sex. All of these women were raped. And, finally, Mars in Taurus would be artistic, musical or creative in some way. Danny Rolling played guitar, wrote songs and sang them. He wasn't very good but he was known for this, singing dark, gloomy songs about drifters and "strangers". His music was rather creepy, actually, as you might imagine. But he did write music. He dreamed of being a singer, making recordings, and it was one of his recordings that helped the cops catch him! In all respects, I believe, Danny Rolling fit the profile for the placement of Mars in Taurus.


And then, last but not least, here are the charts for the victim and the murderer and my comparison of these charts with each other and with the event. In comparing the solar charts of both Danny Rolling and Christa Hoyt with the forensic chart, I see some real standout aspects that must be discussed. For one, her Sun in Scorpio was exactly opposite transiting Mars in Taurus, also opposing the violent fixed stars. Christa's birth Neptune directly opposed Danny's solar Sun in Gemini, which is a pretty good indicator that he had fantasies about her and imagined her to be someone other than who she really was. It's a good bet that she was a "stand in" for his ex wife. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius at the time of the murders ignited this aspect. Her solar Mars in Pisces opposes his Moon in Pisces, a good bet that she somehow had hurt his feelings. I am thinking when he was stalking her in the restaurant where her mother worked, he had made advances and she had snubbed him. This would have enraged him. Not only did she look like his ex wife but she rejects him, too. Combine this with her birth Saturn being conjoined to his Sun in Gemini, and you can see how hate developed here. She rejected him, was "too good" for him, was another example of the women who "held him back" and "held him down". You get the picture.
I've already gone over Rolling's chart once in the first post but here I want to compare it to this event. Neptune and Uranus are on his Mars in Capricorn, from the eighth house, just like the charts for the previous murders. The murder chart for this event, at midnight, closely matches his solar dial. Moon and Pluto are near his natal Saturn and Pluto is transiting a square to his natal Pluto, which may be why he chose this particular time to lash out. Mercury was opposing his birth Moon in Pisces which causes people to make emotional decisions that are huge mistakes. His natal Sun was squared by the transiting Sun in Virgo. Squares in mutable signs can make people feel worthless, useless, insignificant. There is a good chance that these girls made him feel that way. They were all pretty students from middle class families who loved them and cared for them. They were successful in many ways, the most important to Rolling would be that they were attractive and desireable. This would have angered Rolling greatly. His family was a mess. His father abused him, derided him as "useless" and "worthless", "nothing but trouble" since he was a child. His mother would not defend him but lived in fear of the father. He had horrible relationships with women, lieing and pretending to be someone else, a man named Micheal. He also lived in another identity, a "demon" named "Gemini". This is very typical of a poorly aspected Moon in Pisces. Self pity, split personalities, self deception, delusion, telling big stories, etc... very typical of that position under strain. Especially with a square to Sun in Gemini. The Moon and Sun squared is a harbinger for difficult relations with the opposite sex. He was needy and manipulative and this turned everybody off.
His best position, Mars in Capricorn, was conjoined the north node in the solar eighth house. A conjunction between the node and any planet shows a destiny that will be forced upon the individual, even against the concious will. I believe his life was created by the forces around him, pushing him to do the things he did. He was "destined" to murder in some way. His solar north node ties into the grand trine in the forensic chart, giving it added emphasis. The position of the node in the solar eighth house points to sex and death as a life pattern. How many other women had he raped? This is unknown. However, it is known that he killed another family in Shreveport, Louisiana because he had been stalking the girl who had been working in a mall he frequented and looked a lot like his ex wife. He mutilated her body, as well, and staged it for maximum shock value. Moon in Pisces in the solar tenth house shows us a deep emotional need for attention. He literally craved it. When it wasn't forthcoming, he became enraged. Moon square Mercury in Gemini guaranteed that he imagined things, especially slights, even when none was intended. Just looking at these girls, he imagined rejection and that alone was enough. And the inconjunction from the Moon in Pisces to solar Neptune in Libra shows us that most of his slights were imagined after all. He was always making mistakes with people, with his own imaginings of what was intended, of what other people were "worth" or what they were about. Because the mutable square between Sun and Moon, he had deep humility that bordered on shame. He way too easily believed he was not good enough and that is where the anger came from. His strong Mars in Capricorn conjoined the node absolutely guaranteed that he would lash out in a violent way. To me, this is what I call a life script.
Going back to the victims chart, I must add that her large stellium in Sagittarius was positioned in the seventh house at the time of her death. Her birth node in Aquarius was exactly on the midheaven. So this was destined to be a big event, something everyone would notice and talk about. Her death was shocking and earth shattering for many people, it affected an entire city for months, perhaps even years. The media was full of it and hers was the most talked about of all the murders he committed. This was destiny, I am sure of it, mostly because of the node on the midheaven and her cluster in the event chart seventh house. In fact, her birth Sun in Scorpio was exactly as the descendant at midnight. Her birth Mars in Pisces was opposed by transiting Mercury in Virgo so I am sure whatever she had to say at the time was of no help in saving her life. In fact, it may have made things worse. Especially since that transiting Mercury in Virgo was square to Rollings' birth Mercury in Gemini.
The final thing I must add is that I do not see the same sexual energy in this analysis as I did in the first. He had a much stronger attraction to Christina Powell and this is why he chose her over Larson and spent so much time with her before killing her. This girl, Christa Hoyt, was a symbol and nothing more. He did not see her when he killed her; he saw the fantasy image he dreamed her to be. The snotty, beautiful, spoiled girl who didn't have a minute for him and even derided him. She was none of these things but that was no matter. In fact, he was seeing his ex wife, O'Mather, along with all the other women he had wanted in life but couldn't have. She might as well have been a movie star. But if he had seen Christa, known her and who she was, he would not have wanted her at all. The energies are just not there for this type of sexual excitement. She was a stand in and nothing more and that makes this case all the more sad and much more scary than many others. Thank God Danny Rolling has been put to death by the state of Florida. Let's just hope there aren't many more like him coming down the road.
My next post on the Gainseville Murders will be the murder of Tracy Paules and Manny Tobaoda.