Please refer to the updated analysis on this case at:
Christine Jessop . This case has been updated and the previous post has been deleted. Thanks!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Christine Jessop
cold case,
sexual assault,
unsolved mystery
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Lyon Sisters
The Lyon Sisters
Two Young Girls Go To The Mall and Disappear
From Wikipedia:
Katherine Mary Lyon (aged 10), and Sheila Mary Lyon (aged 12) were two sisters who disappeared without a trace during a trip to a local mall in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., in 1975. Known colloquially as The Lyon Sisters, their case resulted in one of the largest police investigations in the Washington, D.C., metro area’s history. The case remains unsolved. As of 2009, if Katherine and Sheila are still alive, they would be 45 and 47, respectively.
The children lived with their parents, John and Mary Lyon, and other siblings in Kensington, Maryland, a suburb of Washington. Their father John was a well-known radio personality at WMAL, a local radio station then held by the owner of the ABC Television affiliate in Washington and the now-defunct Washington Star. For the next several months, the girls' disappearance was the top story in the D.C. media, even as the U.S. was pulling out of Vietnam
About a half-mile from their home was Wheaton Plaza shopping mall (now Westfield Wheaton). On March 25, 1975, the girls were on spring vacation from school and wanted to see the Easter exhibits at the mall and have lunch at the Orange Bowl Restaurant. They left home between 11:00 AM and noon. Their mother had instructed Sheila and Katherine to return home by 4:00 PM; when they had not arrived by 7:00 PM, the police were called and an extensive search was conducted.
Police felt comfortable enough with accuracy of this timeline to release it to the public.
11:00 AM to noon: The girls leave home.
1:00 PM: A neighborhood child tells investigators that he saw both of the girls together outside the Orange Bowl Restaurant. He also told the investigators that the sisters were speaking to an unidentified man.
2:00 PM: The girls' older brother saw them inside the Orange Bowl Restaurant eating pizza together.
2:30 to 3:00 PM: A friend sees the girls walking westward down a street near the Mall which would have been one of the most direct routes from the Mall to their home. This is the final sighting of the sisters that is absolutely confirmed by the police.
4:00 PM: This curfew set by their mother passes, the girls are expected home and do not arrive.
7:00 PM: Police are called. The investigation and an active search by professionals begins.
Also, from Wikipedia:
Katherine Mary Lyon (aged 10), and Sheila Mary Lyon (aged 12) were two sisters who disappeared without a trace during a trip to a local mall in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., in 1975. Known colloquially as The Lyon Sisters, their case resulted in one of the largest police investigations in the Washington, D.C., metro area’s history. The case remains unsolved. As of 2009, if Katherine and Sheila are still alive, they would be 44 and 46, respectively.
The immense media attention given to this case at the time, its significance in the Washington area’s criminal history, and the fact that the mystery of their disappearance has never been explained, has led to the story being revisited by the press on a regular basis, with the result that it has started to pass into the area’s folklore.
This is another great case sent to me by a dutiful and loyal seeker of justice for children, Madena. This is interesting to me because not only have the bodies not been found, there have been no further sightings of the girls and no suspects have been named, even after hundreds of tips and the chasing of many leads, most of which have turned out to be false. They did entertain the possibility that Fred Howard Coffey Jr., a pedophile guilty of killing another child, was to blame. They also considered Raymond Rudolph Mileski Sr., a local bad ass that had killed his entire family. No matter, no charges were ever brought because no evidence has ever been found. This case is especially interesting because it drew enormous media attention, both locally and nationally, they had 122 National Guardsmen participate in the searches, which were extensive and lengthy and, to boot, their father was famous locally as a radio personality with quite a following. I mean, everything about this case screamed that it should have been solved, and yet it has not. A lot can happen to precious children in a scant 4 blocks, don't we know? And with no one watching, either.
Consider that, according to Wikipedia, "A neighborhood child, who knew the sisters, says that he saw them together outside the Orange Bowl Restaurant speaking with an unidentified man, about 6 feet tall, 50 to 60 years old, and wearing a brown suit. The man was carrying a briefcase with a tape recorder inside; there were also other children around who were speaking into a microphone he was holding. The witness's description of the man led authorities to view the unknown person as a prime suspect in the Lyon sisters' case and two composite sketches of the man were created." According to all sources, this is the one and only suspect the police have ever had and he is unknown, undefined, unnamed. He was sighted by other people on several occasions doing the exact same thing: having children speak into a microphone he was holding. But he was not known to be a reporter, a photographer, an investigator or anyone who would have had an honest reason to be doing this. And so he is the best guess anyone has, a pedophile out looking for victims and, presumably, he snatched the girls. None of the suspects they have looked at so far has matched this description or been found to own such a briefcase. I guess their sketches don't work so well.
But what do the charts say? We certainly can't do this ancient case any harm at this point and we can't possibly do much worse than the entire National Guard did way back then. So, do the charts support the kidnapping theory or do they tell a different story? My first thoughts, before even drawing the first chart, was to look for Saturn and Pluto and see what they are hiding. A case that gets this dark that fast has got to be under planetary restraints. I am also interested in fast moving planets because they disappeared in less than an hour on a path of less than a mile. So the story must be a good one.

The last known sighting of the girls occurred between the hours of 2:30 and 3:30 pm. They were due home at 4 pm. The first chart I work with is for 2:30 pm. Notice that Leo is rising with the Sun in the ninth house. With the Sun is Jupiter, which is the ruler of the fifth house. This is interesting. It forces me to read the first house for the older girl and treat the younger one as her child! Although this is physically impossible, what happens in spirit is often strange. The real challenge for me is the fact that both of these planets are disposed of by Mars, which is placed in the seventh house. Mars, in turn, is disposed of by Uranus in the fourth. Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception. These girls were looking for someone on purpose, someone who lived in a home nearby. Perhaps even a home on the route they took to their own home. Someone who had invited them, perhaps? Could this be the man with the briefcase they had been seen with earlier? To top off these aspects, Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception and Mars rules the seventh house! This definitely tells me the purpose of the girls actions at this time of day was to meet up with this person. Uranus also tells me that this is a new friend, someone unusual, someone they were excited by. Also, someone a bit peculiar, perhaps? Someone much older than they?
Standout aspects in this chart are, first of all, the opposition from Uranus in the fourth to Venus in the tenth. This man had rows with authorities and had been in trouble in the past. In fact, the police knew who he was. He had a home in that neighborhood or he had family there and used their home; Uranus is retrograde so he'd been around a very long time. If you notice, Uranus is co disposed of by Pluto, in the third house in Libra. This person had a proclivity for children, maybe started with his own siblings, and favored girls. Notice how Pluto opposes the girls' markers, the Sun and Pluto. By the way, these planets are in the ninth house, telling us that, at 2:30 pm, at least, these girls were outside. They were walking along a wooded path or walking through an open field. They may even have wandered into the woods, if woods exist there. What I really don't like in this chart is Saturn in fall in the twelfth house disposed of by the Moon in Virgo in the second. Something is rotten in Denmark. Especially when you also note that the Moon is disposed of by Mercury in the eighth house while, at the same time, in opposition.

It is my first guess that this person gave the girls something. A gift, perhaps, or a promise, even. He or she gave the girls something and won their trust. They could not resist the promise or invitation, assuming they could stop in and be home in plenty of time, which would have been possible if this person lived nearby. There are strong markers that the girls might have met with foul play and quickly. Consider the trine between Saturn in fall and Mercury in fall from the twelfth and eighth houses. The next chart I draw up is for 3 pm and the first thing I notice is that the seventh house ruler, Uranus, is backing into the third. This person they are about to meet has now gone outside of his or her home and is in the neighborhood, possibly looking for the girls? I am noticing, for the first time, the inconjunction between Uranus and Jupiter. Jupiter rules the fifth house. So this may actually be someone they do not know and purely an accident. This is always possible with an inconjunction. But, then again, the north node is in a trine with Jupiter, making me think there was a plot involved, after all. In truth, most aspects seem to point at a plot which included an invitation, to which the girls were responding. But it does not rule out a surprise attack, where the attacker leaves his or her home to meet with the girls outside of the home and have the advantage of surprise. A plot on the one hand, an accident on the other.

I am afraid that I must throw in my two cents as I read these charts. I am pretty convinced that the charts are saying these girls died that day. Looking at the chart for 3:30 pm, I am concerned by a lot of what I am seeing. The first house ruler, the Sun is now with the fifth house ruler, Jupiter, in the eighth house. They are joined there by Mercury, which disposes the Moon. The seventh house ruler, Uranus, is still in the third house but it's dispositor, Mars, has fallen into the sixth house. These girls were not taken to the home. This person lived in the neighborhood and so had access to the same path the girls were walking. This person arrived by surprise, even after an invitation had been extended, and either convinced the girls or forced them into the woods. They were killed in a small wooded area with small animals like turtles, squirrels and raccoons. Were there cornfields or haystacks in that area? How about a chicken ranch or a dairy farm? If not, these do not fit, then consider also greyhound racing, beekeeping, fox farming or hunting and mineral mines. Farms that grow carrots or parsley also come to mind.. and this person probably also owned a small dog. A small dog that barked a lot.

What I am trying to do is point out the area where the girls were taken and killed. It would be near an area similar to the places I've described: such as near a greyhound track or in an area where bees are kept or where they have mined for minerals. You get the drift. I know nothing of Maryland, have never been there, so I will leave it to those near the area to judge what fits. I almost never do this, but this chart is clear to me so I will venture to guess the manner of death. The charts appear to say that the girls died by stabbing or strangulation and were buried in that area, most likely close to a place that was dug up already. In other words, the murderer sought to find broken ground to bury her. I saw a similar placement in Natalie Holloway's chart, that she was buried where there was freshly dug up ground. This would mean places where construction had just begun, where mines were being excavated, where pools are being laid in, et al..
This event occurred close to the home. This was right in the neighborhood and involved a person who also lived nearby. This person was known to the police and had been in trouble before. He or she had extended an invitation to the girls but made sure to meet with them on the way and take them by surprise. The girls were taken to an area in the woods or off the road near a chicken ranch or greyhound track or anything else I touched on that might fit the region. An interesting aspect I must point out is that Uranus, the marker for the abductor, is in opposition to the fixed star, Schedir, which is conjoined Venus, which rules the tenth house. This tells me that the police set him or her free. They had the culprit and let him or her go!

And so now I take my lame shot at describing this person who took these children. Throughout the chart he or she is represented by Uranus in Scorpio. Again, I must say that this does not mean he or she is a Scorpio. They may not, in fact, even have a single planet in Scorpio. It just means that they are defined by this placement. Which, in my book, makes him or her short and stocky with broad shoulders. Strong and bullish. Conversely, he or she may have a long face with a broad forehead. There would be dark hair with dark eyes and a dark complexion. Again, I must say, that I am not pointing at blacks or Latinos, but that this individual had a dark complexion in comparison to many of his or her race. For instance, it might be said that I have a dark complexion as far as Caucasian women go and I have dark hair and eyes. I do, and so do many other people, including blacks and Latinos, some of which are almost white in color and others are dark as night.
This person has a snappy expression and can be sarcastic and rude. This person is very determined and has fantastic willpower, pushing hard for what is wanted. Strong desires, urges, some perversity. Unusual outlook on life. This person has such persistance that they cannot be put off. When they set the mind on something, it must be done! Resistance means nothing. These girls were helpless against this strong, willful adult. This person is very intuitive and careful and can be one step ahead of anyone seeking him or her out. This person is somewhat eccentric and impulsive and may have planned this for some time and then just grabbed an opportunity on a whim. There is no doubt that this person is very dangerous and can be extremely malicious and almost revolutionary. He or she would stand out among others and you would not forget if you had crossed the same path.
Although I am always hopeful that something I do will help, the real purpose of my work is to study Astrology and see if a system cannot be developed that will help investigators. I do not mean it to be the final word or the only tool; my hope is that it can be integrated with profiles and other tools to be useful to some extent. Life is full of mystery and hidden actions, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could see these things more closely, more easily? Absence of Superman on earth, we have to settle for these sorts of things. I would LOVE to have Xray vision! However, this is the best I can do at this time and perhaps something good will come of it. I know this case will never be solved. My heart goes out to the friends and family of these girls. I hope this brings some small measure of peace.. and, for want of that, perhaps rekindle an investigation into the senseless murders of these lovely children.
Technorati Tags: kidnapping, abduction, missing persons, girls, sisters, Maryland, MD, Washington DC, 1975, astrology, analysis, detective, investigate, cold case, unsolved mystery

From Wikipedia:
Katherine Mary Lyon (aged 10), and Sheila Mary Lyon (aged 12) were two sisters who disappeared without a trace during a trip to a local mall in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., in 1975. Known colloquially as The Lyon Sisters, their case resulted in one of the largest police investigations in the Washington, D.C., metro area’s history. The case remains unsolved. As of 2009, if Katherine and Sheila are still alive, they would be 45 and 47, respectively.
The children lived with their parents, John and Mary Lyon, and other siblings in Kensington, Maryland, a suburb of Washington. Their father John was a well-known radio personality at WMAL, a local radio station then held by the owner of the ABC Television affiliate in Washington and the now-defunct Washington Star. For the next several months, the girls' disappearance was the top story in the D.C. media, even as the U.S. was pulling out of Vietnam
About a half-mile from their home was Wheaton Plaza shopping mall (now Westfield Wheaton). On March 25, 1975, the girls were on spring vacation from school and wanted to see the Easter exhibits at the mall and have lunch at the Orange Bowl Restaurant. They left home between 11:00 AM and noon. Their mother had instructed Sheila and Katherine to return home by 4:00 PM; when they had not arrived by 7:00 PM, the police were called and an extensive search was conducted.
Police felt comfortable enough with accuracy of this timeline to release it to the public.
11:00 AM to noon: The girls leave home.
1:00 PM: A neighborhood child tells investigators that he saw both of the girls together outside the Orange Bowl Restaurant. He also told the investigators that the sisters were speaking to an unidentified man.
2:00 PM: The girls' older brother saw them inside the Orange Bowl Restaurant eating pizza together.
2:30 to 3:00 PM: A friend sees the girls walking westward down a street near the Mall which would have been one of the most direct routes from the Mall to their home. This is the final sighting of the sisters that is absolutely confirmed by the police.
4:00 PM: This curfew set by their mother passes, the girls are expected home and do not arrive.
7:00 PM: Police are called. The investigation and an active search by professionals begins.
Also, from Wikipedia:
Katherine Mary Lyon (aged 10), and Sheila Mary Lyon (aged 12) were two sisters who disappeared without a trace during a trip to a local mall in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., in 1975. Known colloquially as The Lyon Sisters, their case resulted in one of the largest police investigations in the Washington, D.C., metro area’s history. The case remains unsolved. As of 2009, if Katherine and Sheila are still alive, they would be 44 and 46, respectively.
The immense media attention given to this case at the time, its significance in the Washington area’s criminal history, and the fact that the mystery of their disappearance has never been explained, has led to the story being revisited by the press on a regular basis, with the result that it has started to pass into the area’s folklore.
This is another great case sent to me by a dutiful and loyal seeker of justice for children, Madena. This is interesting to me because not only have the bodies not been found, there have been no further sightings of the girls and no suspects have been named, even after hundreds of tips and the chasing of many leads, most of which have turned out to be false. They did entertain the possibility that Fred Howard Coffey Jr., a pedophile guilty of killing another child, was to blame. They also considered Raymond Rudolph Mileski Sr., a local bad ass that had killed his entire family. No matter, no charges were ever brought because no evidence has ever been found. This case is especially interesting because it drew enormous media attention, both locally and nationally, they had 122 National Guardsmen participate in the searches, which were extensive and lengthy and, to boot, their father was famous locally as a radio personality with quite a following. I mean, everything about this case screamed that it should have been solved, and yet it has not. A lot can happen to precious children in a scant 4 blocks, don't we know? And with no one watching, either.
Consider that, according to Wikipedia, "A neighborhood child, who knew the sisters, says that he saw them together outside the Orange Bowl Restaurant speaking with an unidentified man, about 6 feet tall, 50 to 60 years old, and wearing a brown suit. The man was carrying a briefcase with a tape recorder inside; there were also other children around who were speaking into a microphone he was holding. The witness's description of the man led authorities to view the unknown person as a prime suspect in the Lyon sisters' case and two composite sketches of the man were created." According to all sources, this is the one and only suspect the police have ever had and he is unknown, undefined, unnamed. He was sighted by other people on several occasions doing the exact same thing: having children speak into a microphone he was holding. But he was not known to be a reporter, a photographer, an investigator or anyone who would have had an honest reason to be doing this. And so he is the best guess anyone has, a pedophile out looking for victims and, presumably, he snatched the girls. None of the suspects they have looked at so far has matched this description or been found to own such a briefcase. I guess their sketches don't work so well.
But what do the charts say? We certainly can't do this ancient case any harm at this point and we can't possibly do much worse than the entire National Guard did way back then. So, do the charts support the kidnapping theory or do they tell a different story? My first thoughts, before even drawing the first chart, was to look for Saturn and Pluto and see what they are hiding. A case that gets this dark that fast has got to be under planetary restraints. I am also interested in fast moving planets because they disappeared in less than an hour on a path of less than a mile. So the story must be a good one.

The last known sighting of the girls occurred between the hours of 2:30 and 3:30 pm. They were due home at 4 pm. The first chart I work with is for 2:30 pm. Notice that Leo is rising with the Sun in the ninth house. With the Sun is Jupiter, which is the ruler of the fifth house. This is interesting. It forces me to read the first house for the older girl and treat the younger one as her child! Although this is physically impossible, what happens in spirit is often strange. The real challenge for me is the fact that both of these planets are disposed of by Mars, which is placed in the seventh house. Mars, in turn, is disposed of by Uranus in the fourth. Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception. These girls were looking for someone on purpose, someone who lived in a home nearby. Perhaps even a home on the route they took to their own home. Someone who had invited them, perhaps? Could this be the man with the briefcase they had been seen with earlier? To top off these aspects, Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception and Mars rules the seventh house! This definitely tells me the purpose of the girls actions at this time of day was to meet up with this person. Uranus also tells me that this is a new friend, someone unusual, someone they were excited by. Also, someone a bit peculiar, perhaps? Someone much older than they?
Standout aspects in this chart are, first of all, the opposition from Uranus in the fourth to Venus in the tenth. This man had rows with authorities and had been in trouble in the past. In fact, the police knew who he was. He had a home in that neighborhood or he had family there and used their home; Uranus is retrograde so he'd been around a very long time. If you notice, Uranus is co disposed of by Pluto, in the third house in Libra. This person had a proclivity for children, maybe started with his own siblings, and favored girls. Notice how Pluto opposes the girls' markers, the Sun and Pluto. By the way, these planets are in the ninth house, telling us that, at 2:30 pm, at least, these girls were outside. They were walking along a wooded path or walking through an open field. They may even have wandered into the woods, if woods exist there. What I really don't like in this chart is Saturn in fall in the twelfth house disposed of by the Moon in Virgo in the second. Something is rotten in Denmark. Especially when you also note that the Moon is disposed of by Mercury in the eighth house while, at the same time, in opposition.

It is my first guess that this person gave the girls something. A gift, perhaps, or a promise, even. He or she gave the girls something and won their trust. They could not resist the promise or invitation, assuming they could stop in and be home in plenty of time, which would have been possible if this person lived nearby. There are strong markers that the girls might have met with foul play and quickly. Consider the trine between Saturn in fall and Mercury in fall from the twelfth and eighth houses. The next chart I draw up is for 3 pm and the first thing I notice is that the seventh house ruler, Uranus, is backing into the third. This person they are about to meet has now gone outside of his or her home and is in the neighborhood, possibly looking for the girls? I am noticing, for the first time, the inconjunction between Uranus and Jupiter. Jupiter rules the fifth house. So this may actually be someone they do not know and purely an accident. This is always possible with an inconjunction. But, then again, the north node is in a trine with Jupiter, making me think there was a plot involved, after all. In truth, most aspects seem to point at a plot which included an invitation, to which the girls were responding. But it does not rule out a surprise attack, where the attacker leaves his or her home to meet with the girls outside of the home and have the advantage of surprise. A plot on the one hand, an accident on the other.
I am afraid that I must throw in my two cents as I read these charts. I am pretty convinced that the charts are saying these girls died that day. Looking at the chart for 3:30 pm, I am concerned by a lot of what I am seeing. The first house ruler, the Sun is now with the fifth house ruler, Jupiter, in the eighth house. They are joined there by Mercury, which disposes the Moon. The seventh house ruler, Uranus, is still in the third house but it's dispositor, Mars, has fallen into the sixth house. These girls were not taken to the home. This person lived in the neighborhood and so had access to the same path the girls were walking. This person arrived by surprise, even after an invitation had been extended, and either convinced the girls or forced them into the woods. They were killed in a small wooded area with small animals like turtles, squirrels and raccoons. Were there cornfields or haystacks in that area? How about a chicken ranch or a dairy farm? If not, these do not fit, then consider also greyhound racing, beekeeping, fox farming or hunting and mineral mines. Farms that grow carrots or parsley also come to mind.. and this person probably also owned a small dog. A small dog that barked a lot.

What I am trying to do is point out the area where the girls were taken and killed. It would be near an area similar to the places I've described: such as near a greyhound track or in an area where bees are kept or where they have mined for minerals. You get the drift. I know nothing of Maryland, have never been there, so I will leave it to those near the area to judge what fits. I almost never do this, but this chart is clear to me so I will venture to guess the manner of death. The charts appear to say that the girls died by stabbing or strangulation and were buried in that area, most likely close to a place that was dug up already. In other words, the murderer sought to find broken ground to bury her. I saw a similar placement in Natalie Holloway's chart, that she was buried where there was freshly dug up ground. This would mean places where construction had just begun, where mines were being excavated, where pools are being laid in, et al..
This event occurred close to the home. This was right in the neighborhood and involved a person who also lived nearby. This person was known to the police and had been in trouble before. He or she had extended an invitation to the girls but made sure to meet with them on the way and take them by surprise. The girls were taken to an area in the woods or off the road near a chicken ranch or greyhound track or anything else I touched on that might fit the region. An interesting aspect I must point out is that Uranus, the marker for the abductor, is in opposition to the fixed star, Schedir, which is conjoined Venus, which rules the tenth house. This tells me that the police set him or her free. They had the culprit and let him or her go!

And so now I take my lame shot at describing this person who took these children. Throughout the chart he or she is represented by Uranus in Scorpio. Again, I must say that this does not mean he or she is a Scorpio. They may not, in fact, even have a single planet in Scorpio. It just means that they are defined by this placement. Which, in my book, makes him or her short and stocky with broad shoulders. Strong and bullish. Conversely, he or she may have a long face with a broad forehead. There would be dark hair with dark eyes and a dark complexion. Again, I must say, that I am not pointing at blacks or Latinos, but that this individual had a dark complexion in comparison to many of his or her race. For instance, it might be said that I have a dark complexion as far as Caucasian women go and I have dark hair and eyes. I do, and so do many other people, including blacks and Latinos, some of which are almost white in color and others are dark as night.
This person has a snappy expression and can be sarcastic and rude. This person is very determined and has fantastic willpower, pushing hard for what is wanted. Strong desires, urges, some perversity. Unusual outlook on life. This person has such persistance that they cannot be put off. When they set the mind on something, it must be done! Resistance means nothing. These girls were helpless against this strong, willful adult. This person is very intuitive and careful and can be one step ahead of anyone seeking him or her out. This person is somewhat eccentric and impulsive and may have planned this for some time and then just grabbed an opportunity on a whim. There is no doubt that this person is very dangerous and can be extremely malicious and almost revolutionary. He or she would stand out among others and you would not forget if you had crossed the same path.
Although I am always hopeful that something I do will help, the real purpose of my work is to study Astrology and see if a system cannot be developed that will help investigators. I do not mean it to be the final word or the only tool; my hope is that it can be integrated with profiles and other tools to be useful to some extent. Life is full of mystery and hidden actions, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could see these things more closely, more easily? Absence of Superman on earth, we have to settle for these sorts of things. I would LOVE to have Xray vision! However, this is the best I can do at this time and perhaps something good will come of it. I know this case will never be solved. My heart goes out to the friends and family of these girls. I hope this brings some small measure of peace.. and, for want of that, perhaps rekindle an investigation into the senseless murders of these lovely children.
Technorati Tags: kidnapping, abduction, missing persons, girls, sisters, Maryland, MD, Washington DC, 1975, astrology, analysis, detective, investigate, cold case, unsolved mystery
cold case,
missing persons,
unsolved mystery,
Washington DC
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ryan Sainty
From The Herald:
HOPE is fading that former Newcastle Knights forward Ryan Sainty will be found alive after a teenager told police she saw a man struggling in the water on the afternoon he went missing.
Sainty, 20, hasn't been seen since Friday afternoon (12 June 2009) at about 12.30 pm (AEST) when he left his Woy Woy (Sydney N.S.W.) home to go for a quick paddle in his surf ski.
About 4.30pm on Friday, four hours after Sainty left home, his surf ski, paddle and wind jacket were found on Brisbane Water.
A large-scale air, water and land search has so far failed to find any trace of the talented footballer who played in the Knights' Toyota Cup under-20s side before being injured last year.
"He said he would be back for lunch," a devastated Terry Sainty said yesterday as the search for his son continued.
"He goes out [on his surf ski] all the time. He does it for enjoyment."
Police said they were investigating a possible sighting of Sainty on the afternoon he disappeared, reported by a 15-year-old girl from Saratoga, directly across Brisbane Water from Woy Woy.
The Herald understands the girl told police she saw what appeared to be a man struggling with a kayak or surf ski in the water on Friday.
Police say they will continue to search for Sainty, and are considering all logical possibilities.
A police helicopter combed the area for the third straight day yesterday. Water police and the coastal patrol have also been assisting Brisbane Water local area command.
Sainty was regarded as a talented and strong front-rower who had not been re-signed by the Knights for the current season as he was too old for the Toyota Cup squad.
The club's development manager, Warren Smiles, said yesterday that Sainty had been studying at university.
"We certainly never had any issues with him. He was just a nice, quiet kid," he said.
Since leaving the Knights, Sainty had lined up for Wyong in the Newcastle Rugby League competition.
Rugby league websites were abuzz with the news yesterday, and more than 100 people have joined a group on the website Facebook praying for his safe return.
Sainty's disappearance has drawn comparisons with Warriors player Sonny Fai, who went missing after being swept into rough seas on an Auckland beach in January.
"Hopefully Ryan is found and the NRL world do not have to mourn the loss of another great up-and-coming talent," one Facebook user wrote.

This is for my Australian readers who have sent me many cases and I have been unable to get to them because of the enormous number of US cases I have received. Ryan Sainty was a well known rugby player, much loved and sought after when he disappeared last June. He is presumed dead. Could that be true? Well, I started to draw up charts and was fascinated right away with the planets. In the first chart, done for the time when he left his home, I find Virgo rising with Pisces on the seventh, which is interesting because he was headed out "for a quick paddle in his surf ski" What defines water better than Pisces? But the ugly omen for me is the placement of Mercury in the eighth house with Mars nearby. Neptune is retrograde with Jupiter in the sixth house, both in Aquarius. Was Ryan too self confident? Did he feel too secure on the water to be careful? These two planets disposed of by Uranus, at the seventh cusp, seems to indicate something unexpected that he thought he could handle.. but couldn't.
Moon in the fifth shows his love of sports and how much fun he had on the water. But the Moon square that Mars in Taurus in the eighth house right away warns of an accident. He could get carried away with the Mars energy and end up in real danger. Saturn is sitting sadly in the twelfth. This indicates he might have been "caught up" by something and drowned. He may very well have had a mishap and been trapped by a loose rope or other binding, pulled down into the water and unable to get free. Pluto in the fourth, so close to the nadir, in the sign Capricorn and retrograde makes me think he may never be found. His body may be held down in the deep water in a very dark and hidden place. Pluto is involved in a wide angle grand trine involving Saturn and Mars which indicates he is trapped down there and the body is secure enough to stay there for a very long time.

I went ahead and did a chart for the time when they first realized Ryan was missing. It was when his ski and other belongings washed up on shore. Up until then, no one knew there was a problem. So this is the point at which they first asked, "where is Ryan?". And this is what the chart tells us. Sagittarius is rising and Gemini is falling. Jupiter is with Neptune and the Moon in the third house. His body is not far from where he lived. It is not far from where they found the ski. Neptune indicates it is way far down in very deep water and may be in an area where a plane went down in the past. If an area of the water near there has been recently dredged or an area of land nearby has recently been excavated, then start there. Another thing to look for is electrical grids, large electrical boxes or transformers. If any of these are in the area, then start there. Otherwise, he may be underwater near a place where a plane went down and sank. The plane would still be there, on the bottom, and he may be somewhere close by.
In all forensic charts, Saturn represents the body. In this chart, Saturn sits in the tenth house, showing the search by authorities for the body. But Saturn is square the Sun and inconjunct the Moon so there would be mistakes made in the search and the body would not be seen. There would be no "light", so to speak. The searchers may have been near the body at times but it would be so dark they would miss it, even with artificial light. Saturn in Virgo implies heavy pieces like large furniture such as storage cabinets or compartments and large piles of gravel. Has there been mining for minerals in the underwater areas nearby? I don't believe we are looking for oil rigs as Neptune has no implications with the body. But gravel pits, underwater mining for treasure, precious metals or minerals are possible. If any of this exists or has existed in this area, then start looking for the body to be trapped under gravel or in an old mining area that has been blasted or dug out. Another possibility, as silly as it seems, is that the body got trapped by heavy garbage such as old furniture. If he got tangled up in ropes or other items as a result of a fall or a misstep, then he could have been drug underwater and trapped. It seems sort of strange, I admit, for an athlete such as this to make a fatal mistake, but if any day was good for this, this would be it, with Mars in the eighth square the transiting Moon.

Pluto in the first house retrograde in Capricorn at the time of the discovery indicates that he was "in his tomb" and that this is a "dark place or corner" and "at ground level" or even, "underground". I just cannot find a thing in these charts to hold out hope that this man is alive or that he did not die. Of course, I see accidents as well but I must also explore the possibility that there was foul play, if for no other reason than to dismiss it. This last chart that I did was for a halfway point between the time that he left and the time at which the discovery was made. In this chart, drawn for 2:30, I see that Scorpio is rising and Taurus is falling. Notice Venus conjunct Mars in the sixth house. Notice also that both Venus and Mars are square the Moon. They are also both trine Saturn in the eleventh and Pluto in the second. And then the only planet in the seventh house is Mercury. I believe this is the young girl (Venus in Taurus, Mercury in the seventh) who saw him struggling. Venus is close to Mars so she watched for awhile and may have gestured to him or called out. She could clearly see he was in trouble (sixth house). Mercury, by the way, is close to Alcyone, which gives visions and great eyesight! Mars square the Moon continues to show him in a struggle, making a fatal mistake. Pluto in the second at this moment also provides insight: It was something he owned that caused the fatal event. A rope, a jacket, a paddle, the ski itself, that caused him to trip up, to get bound up, to drown.
In this chart, you will notice that the Sun is in the eighth house. The Sun has no power in the chart at this point but it is close to Betelgeuse, which indicates accidental death. Within a half an hour, Leo would take over the midheaven, bringing the Sun into focus, while still in the eighth. This would portend public knowledge of Ryan's death. Regardless of whether or not the body is found, the public would come to the conclusion that he is dead and there will be services. Pluto in Capricorn indicates tombs and coffins so it can be read to mean that he is already "in his coffin". It is also interesting that the Sun in the eighth is disposed of by Mercury in the seventh; it would be the eyewitness testimony that would bring that news to the public. He was "seen" to be "struggling" with his ski. That is ominous, indeed, considering the outcome.
I believe that the movements of the planets through the charts for the times in question give the reading that Ryan is dead and that is was an accident. I see no indications of foul play. Of course, this will depend upon how much credance you give Astrology and remember that this is an experiment. This is just an effort to find out whether Astrology has something real to offer in these investigations. It is my fervent hope that it will be someday, even if only in the manner that psychics are currently given credance. If the searchers looking for Ryan's body give my readings a shot and try to find him using some of the guidelines, perhaps this could be a first. If anyone has direct questions about where his body might be located, feel free to email me. I will help in whatever way that I can.
Technorati Tags: missing person, cold case, unsolved mystery, astrology, analysis, prediction, detective, investigate, Sydney, Australia, AU, Rugby player, young man, drowning, death
cold case,
missing person,
Rugby player,
unsolved mystery,
young man
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dorothy Delilah Scofield
From The Charley Project :
Dorothy Delilah Scofield
Contact Person: Ocala Police Department
Phone: 352-629-8508
Date Missing: July 22, 1976
Date of Birth: January 8, 1964 Age:: 12 years old / Now 41
Hair:: Brown / Now Unknown
Height:: 4'11 / Now Unknown
Weight:: 90 pounds / Now Unknown
Eye Color:: Blue
Sex:: Female
Race:: White
Complexion:: Light
Police Case Number:: NCMC601894 /NCMC601894 /O76072084
Distinguishing Characteristics: Scofield wore eyeglasses with gold-colored, teardrop-shaped frames at the time of her disappearance. Her upper incisor slightly overlaps her upper front tooth. She was missing one tooth when she was last seen in 1976. She has freckles across her nose. Scofield's nicknames are Dee and DeeDee (sometimes spelled "Dee-Dee"; or "DeDe"). Her middle name my be spelled "Delila" by some agencies.
Clothing/Jewelry Description: A red short-sleeved form-fitting shirt or body suit with a blue design, blue jeans, a leather belt with a metal buckle, and green tennis shoes.
Details of Disappearance:
Scofield and her mother left their Ocala, Florida residence together on July 22, 1976. Her mother took a driving test while Scofield returned a pair of sandals at a nearby shopping center. She also planned to buy a birthday present for her brother. Scofield returned the shoes and was last seen at the mall at approximately 2:00 p.m. that day. Scofield never met her mother at the designated location they had agreed on and she reported her daughter as missing. Scofield has never been seen again.
A witness reported having seen a girl matching Scofield's description two hours after she was reported missing. The child was in a convenience store with an adult male. They purchased two sodas and left. The child was shaking and appeared to be very frightened. She and the man with her were never identified and law enforcement authorities are not sure if she was Scofield.
Scofield lived with her family in a mobile home in Citra, Florida in 1976. Investigators do not believe she ran away from home; she was a good student and a churchgoer at the time of her disappearance and was not having any personal problems. There was some speculation at that time that her disappearance might be linked to the 1975 disappearances of Sheila and Katherine Lyon, but no evidence connecting the cases was discovered and all three remain unsolved.
This is a really cold case that everyone has pretty much just given up on. I vaguely remember this case being in the news and that's possible because this happened back in a day when you just didn't hear this sort of thing on the news every night. Especially not locally. Ocala is far north of my home but our local broadcasters are located just south of there. I am sure there was a bit of coverage. So it is very sad that it was never solved. Could she be another JC Duggard?
I want to thank my own personal super sleuth, Madena, for sending me so many great cases. This is one of those. There are two charts that need to be done in this case, one for the time she was last seen in the mall and one for the time when she was supposedly ID'd in a convenience store with TWO adult males. I have read several reports on this and they all put one man in the store and another in the car. I am of the personal belief that this last was an actual sighting of Dorothy in the company of her abductors. The clerk gave a very accurate description of Dorothy, down to the clothing she was wearing, before the cops told her anything about the girl. It is interesting that this involved two men. In my mind, this eliminates any of the previously suspected individuals because most of them were lone serial killers who would not invite someone else along. This would take a buddy system like the hillside stranglers or Bittaker and Norris. Killers don't kill some women alone and then bring a friend along for others. It just doesn't happen. Christopher Wilder, for instance, who was a suspect for a long time, did not EVER use an accomplice and I hate to point this out, but I feel I should, sweet, little Dorothy did not fit the profile of the gorgeous, older, "aspiring model" types that Wilder was known for snatching. Now, Tammy Lynn Leppert is more a possible victim of his and I am not convinced at this time that she was not.

Right away, I looked at every chart from 2 pm on. I am still not sure at what exact hour her mother reported her missing so I am not sure at what time she was seen with the man in the store. I started with 4 pm, which is 2 hours after the hour she was last seen and then went forward from there. What I saw right away was disturbing and familiar. I will show you in a minute. However, I did not see a death pattern in the first few charts, up to 6 pm, in fact, so I went ahead and ran charts for every hour until midnight to see if the directions went that way. And I will show you what they said when I get to them.
In the first chart, which was drawn for the time she was last seen in the mall, Scorpio is rising and Taurus is falling. Mars is in the eleventh, on the cusp of the tenth, Pluto is in the twelfth house, cusping the eleventh, and Venus is in the tenth with Mercury, close to the midheaven. The child is "out in the open" but possibly emerging from a more obscure area. Leaving the bathroom, perhaps. Perhaps this is when she was seen. The person who saw her appears to be a woman in a prominent position at the mall, such as a security guard, hall monitor, store owner or manager. I am thinking manager at a book store. But anyways, there was no exchange between her and the child, she simply recalls seeing her.
I am interested in knowing what exact time this child was supposed to meet her mother and where. In the chart for 4 pm, it looks like she went to a desk or office in the mall, somewhere she thought an authority might be- an authority like a security monitor, perhaps. She may have done this because she was lost.. or perhaps this is where she was to meet her mother. There was a man around there, a foreigner, who befriended her and said he would help her. Or perhaps he told her that her mother sent him or he was there because something had happened to her mother. It is hard to tell. This man was no doubt much older than Dorothy, the charts indicate he was an adult and not a teen. He was also attractive, articulate, clever and controlling. It is a few minutes after 4 pm when the second man appears; notice Gemini slipping onto the descendant with Mercury conjoined Venus. The thing that just grabs me is the mutual rulership of the tenth house, which gives me the impression that this man was an "authority" of some sort and perhaps even in a uniform. I know that the man in the store was not in a uniform or this would have been mentioned, but what about the driver? Did anyone see the driver?

The other prominent feature in the 4 pm chart is Neptune in the first house opposing the Moon in the seventh. This man used a clever ruse, he fooled this child. He lied about something and disguised himself in some way and she fell for it. Perhaps he wore a uniform only for the purpose of snatching a child. Perhaps that uniform went back to it's original place or went off with the trash man. But there was a guise of some sort and since the charts keep pointing towards "authorities" I cannot help but wonder. Do not forget that they also say he is foreign or, at the least, had a foreign accent.
At a few minutes after 4 pm, Sagittarius takes the Ascendant with Jupiter in the sixth. At this moment, Dorothy is in extreme danger. Jupiter, at it's current position, is within 2 degrees of the Pleiades, the "weeping sisters", which often point to tragedy. To boot, Saturn, Mercury and Venus are all under the Sun's beams. In this chart, we have a T square involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune. Mars is on the short leg of the T but the Moon is sinister, which makes it a translator of light. This child met this man under false pretences and it was her own beliefs that fooled her. She was sure she could trust him. But I am sure that by the time she had left the mall, she knew otherwise. The unfortunate exact opposition of the Moon and Neptune while the Moon was translating light from Mars to Neptune, is why the girl was so easily deceived.

Neptune is also within less than a degree of a conjunction with Dschubba, which is often a pointer at extreme danger and sometimes murder. In the chart for 5 pm, the Moon and Jupiter slip into the sixth house, showing great fear and extreme danger. Especially with Jupiter near the Pleiades and the Moon opposing Dschubba and Neptune. This poor little girl was smart enough to realize the danger she was in and I am sorry to report that she was terrified. The chart for 5 pm is telling in another matter as well. The seventh and tenth house ruler, Mercury, has moved into the eighth house along with a group of other planets, including the dispositor for the chart ruler. A tale is starting to emerge. The Sun is showing a "group leader" or instigator in the matter; the Sun disposes all the others so they are doing this because of this one man. The grouping in the eighth house gives an inkling of sexual purposes. Mercury co ruling the tenth hints at a business arrangement; could this be a porn ring or forced prostitution or some other form of slavery? It is possible, but let's see. Neptune is now in the twelfth, showing that they are hiding this child, not killing her, and that she still has no idea what her purpose is in their plans.
By 6 pm, the chart ruler, Jupiter, moves into the fifth house and it's dispositor is in the eighth. This combination points to sex. I believe this describes sexual contact. Venus is now the tenth house ruler but Mercury is now the seventh house ruler, maintaining the same configuration! This keeps the focus of the chart on a business arrangement. This whole abduction was for the purpose of procuring a child for a sex business. This is underlined by the conjunction between Mercury and Venus, still in the eighth house. Neptune, still in the twelfth house, is still disposed of by Jupiter, which is now in the fifth house. Another loop proving consistency. Child porn or something like this. Sex involving children. The fifth house, eighth house, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury. Pretty clear. And so very sad.

Going forward from here, the chart for 7 pm shows Capricorn rising and Cancer falling with the Moon in the fifth. Saturn is in the seventh house with the tenth house ruler. The business "partners" are now altogether, with the child. The Moon in the fifth opposing Neptune in the eleventh tells me pictures or films are being made. The child's ruler, at this point in time, is Saturn and it is closely under the Sun's beams. The child is being held against her will, she is in danger and experiencing great fear. But none of the major players are applying to an aspect with Saturn so her danger is not that extreme. In fact, it is doubtful that they will kill her. Saturn is disposed of by the Sun, which rules the current eighth house cusp, so she will be held for sexual reasons. She is being used this way and will not be killed, at least not this night. Nothing much happens to change events in the next chart but in the charts for 9 and 10 pm, the first house ruler moves into the ninth house. This shows them transporting her to someplace far away. This travel configuration remains true in the charts for 10 and 11 pm, as well. They took her someplace far away, maybe even a foreign country. She could have gone by plane but the number of hours involved in the planetary transits shows it could have been by train. I do know, however, that it was not by car or bus and she is not in the immediate area any longer.
The ongoing square between the chart ruler and the rulers of the tenth and fourth houses show that she did not get along with her captors. She was a "handful", so to speak and made things difficult for them. The chart ruler is disposed of by Pluto, the tenth house ruler, which is now in the eighth house, showing that their motives remain the same. This is "business" and nothing more. The continuing opposition between the Moon and Neptune on the tenth/fourth house axis shows us that they are hiding her "out in the open". They are out in public with the girl, but she has been subdued. She is being taken to her "new home" and she is nervous and afraid. Now, the questions remain, where is this "new home" and who are her captors? How can they be identified? Well, I am willing to make a fool out of myself once again in an effort to describe where she went and who took her. I realize this is a totally imperfect and, so far, barely helpful, exercise but the purpose of this blog is research so that is what I am doing. So here goes.

There are conflicting pointers in this chart so I will try to balance it out. One pointer says she went southwest and another says southeast. Cities to be considered are West Palm Beach (southeast of Ocala) and Tampa (southwest of Ocala), both in Florida and both ruled by planets in the right places. If they left the country and headed south, the best guess is Argentina. The man or men who took this girl are signified by Mercury in Leo. Gemini as the cusp ruler at the time of the abduction shows multiple people involved. The man who actually snatched her would be a large man of medium height with light brown or dark blond hair. As I said earlier, he was using a ruse that made him look like an "authority", which possibly means a uniform. It is possible, also, that he worked at that mall. From all pointers, it looked like Dorothy was not the only child they nabbed. They had been doing this for awhile. I do not believe the charts show targeting or stalking. It was a crime of opportunity, that is all. The node in a sensitive position in the chart says that this was a sudden event; they simply saw a little girl when they were looking for one and they had a good story, one that she readily believed.
Now, here's the thing. I do not believe they killed her. I believe they took her some place far from home and set up camp. She was likely one in a long line of girls used for their dirty business but I do not think they were murderers. They may have sold her, used her for awhile and let her go, when she may have been addicted to drugs and used to "the life". She may be a streetwalker or drug addict in a place far from her home. Dorothy's birth chart shows a cluster of planets in Capricorn and Aquarius. I don't have the birth time or exact location so the chart is general and not precise. But there are no strong aspects from the transiting chart to the birth placments. Transiting Uranus is sinister to a conjunction with her birth Moon in Scorpio but Uranus is not a player in the event chart. However, it has been my experience that women born with Moon in Scorpio are often the victims of sexual abuse. I have seen countless charts that support this. That is not to say that all women with Moon in Scorpio will be victims, just that it is a often seen thing in charts. But one good sign is the trine from her birth Jupiter to the grouping of planets that rule her captors in the event chart. This tells us that she was able to find joy in her life over time and even come to terms with the people who took her.
Dorothy Scofield

Dorothy at the time of the event

Dorothy Age Progressed
Since I do not believe that she is dead and could be out there among us all, please give this case a lot of thought. Look at her picture and think about the people around you. Have you seen her or someone who looks like her? If you have, then please contact the Ocala PD by going to their website HERE . Thanks! It would be nice to find this woman and give her family some relief.
Technorati Tags: kidnapping, abduction, disappearance, child, girl, Ocala, Florida, FL, detective, investigate, analysis, astrology, forensics, profile, missing person, cold case, unsolved mystery
cold case,
missing person,
unsolved mystery
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Forensics and Astrology - The Connection
Please welcome Adrienne Carlson, our guest blogger:
They seem to be opposites with nothing in common, so when you use the words forensics and astrology in the same sentence, it seems to be an incongruity or a mistake. You would think that since forensics is an exact science and astrology an inexact one, the twain can never meet let alone be used in conjunction for the good of mankind. But since truth is often stranger than fiction, we have the science of forensic astrology, a method that uses birth charts and other astrological tools to solve crimes, especially those concerning missing persons.
Forensic astrologers use a combination of the positions of the stars during the time of your birth and a snapshot of the sky at any given time in order to determine your whereabouts. It also includes a branch of astrology called horary astrology that takes into account the exact time you ask the astrologer the question you wish to find the answer to. The astrologer in question uses a horary chart, your birth chart and a host of other tools to locate missing persons.
To those who doubt the authenticity of this science, I would only suggest taking a look at the murder of Caylee Marie Antony of Florida. The two-year-old was reported missing by her mother, and forensic astrologers predicted that her remains would be found in the general vicinity of her home. Months had passed and numerous search operations had been conducted, but there was no sign of the little girl. But then, in a dramatic twist, her remains were found within a half-mile radius from where she lived, and after investigating further, law enforcement officers arrested her mother for the murder of the child. Remarkably, the forensic astrologers who took it upon themselves to solve the case on the Internet predicted almost accurately that the evidence would be unearthed on a particular date.
So as you can see, it is just a matter of belief, in one’s own abilities and the nature of the stars to guide your search. Forensic astrology is coming into its own and proving that it is a valuable tool in determining the whereabouts and fate of missing persons.
This guest article was written by Adrienne Carlson, who regularly writes on the topic of forensic science schools
Technorati Tags: astrology, forensics, forensic astrology, forensic science
forensic astrology,
forensic science,
Friday, October 2, 2009
Amanda Knox
"Amanda Foxy has been arrested and kept in the jail on the charge of killing Meredith Kercher.Meredith Kercher was a British. She was living and studying in Italy from Leeds University.The whole incident took place on November 2, 2007 between 10 p.m. to 11 p.m.
It is said that her room mate Foxy asked her to have a sexual relation with her but she refused and as a result of her refuse, Foxy stabbed her with her small pocket knife and then she also cut her throat with the same knife. After cutting her throat she left her dying in pain on the floor in a locked room.
The room had a terrific atmosphere when police broke down the door of her room. The things were scattered everywhere and were out of order. The quilt was on the floor beside the bed and the dead body of Meredith Kercher was lying beneath the quilt, with her foot visible under the bed. There were splashes of blood on the floor and on the wall.
The room after the murder can be seen in the photocopy of the photograph pasted below. The picture is very grainy because it is a photocopy of the original picture.
On investigation, Foxy first told the police that she was in the other room and she closed her ears when she heard the British girl screaming and then afterwards she changed her sentence and told Mrs. Kercher that she had been giving stupid statements in confusion, but the truth is that she was not at home that night, she was at his boyfriend, Raffaelle Scollecito?s place.
But this is again a lie. Her appearance in the room that night was caught on the CCTV.
The dead body of Meredith was sent to England and Foxy, her boyfriend Raffele and a bar tender in behind the bard, waiting for the judgment."
MY NOTE: There are also crime scene photos posted on this site. You can also read a clear timeline for all these events at
I had a ton of emails asking me to do this case. Just to see if Astrology offers anything in the matter. I have named the post Amanda Knox because I do not think many people have heard the name of her victim. However, Meredith Kercher was her victim and so the chart is read for her. I am trying to determine if her attacker was Knox or someone else. I realize that they are likely to find Knox guilty of this murder but there are many who think that's an injustice. So let's see what the charts offer.
The first thing I noticed in drawing up the first two charts was the movement of the chart ruler. In the first chart, above, for 10 pm, the chart ruler is the Moon in the second house in the sign Leo. The Moon is disposed of by the Sun, just inside the fourth house. The seventh house ruler, Saturn in Virgo, is right behind the Moon, also in the second. The tenth house ruler, Mars is in the twelfth house in Cancer. This is Mars in detriment. The fourth house ruler, Venus, is in the third. The only angular planet receiving an aspect from the Moon is the fourth house co ruler, Pluto. The aspect is a trine. To boot, Pluto disposes of the Sun in the fourth. So what does this tell us?
Well, for one, the subject has just arrived home and seems to be preoccupied with some possession, most likely jewelry. It looks like she may have gone back there for this purpose, to look for something. Saturn, the seventh house ruler, is right behind the Moon, showing someone else involved in the matter. This was not a husband or a relative, there is no close relation between this person and the subject. By the way, the placement of the fourth house ruler in the third tells us that they are in a "mobile" home, someplace away from their "rooted home" and possibly temporary in some way. Nothing describes Gemini or the third house better than college housing. And nothing describes studies better than Mercury, so Mercury ruling the third shows studies and travel in one. I think that Venus here in the third, while ruling the fourth house, shows these students to be women.
Saturn, the seventh house ruler, is disposed of by Mercury, also in the fourth house. This person went back home with Meredith. Mercury is in Libra so this is likely a female but I can't say for sure. Mercury also hints that this person did not live at the same place but was just visiting. At the same time, the tenth house ruler, Mars, is in the twelfth house in detriment. Mars hints at aggression and the twelfth house hints at secrets. Mars in Cancer is disposed of by the Moon, which is the chart ruler. This tells us that a third person was present but unknown at the time. Somebody who was there specifically for Meredith. This person was actually hiding, I believe, in the home, for the purpose of confronting or attacking Meredith. But this purpose is skewed because Mars is in Cancer, where it is really weak. Whatever this third person is planning is not well thought out and may very well be an emotional reaction.
Another stand out position is the node in the eighth house, disposed of by Neptune, also in the eighth house. This describes a plan of sorts, something either destined or carefully thought out. This contradicts the Mars in Cancer placement but because Mars is trine the node, indicates that although the person's actions are sloppy and out of control, they are held together by a careful plan. So this crime was not spur of the moment, in the heat of passion at all. It was carefully thought out although executed in a slipshod fashion. Mars as the tenth house ruler indicates that this hidden person was someone in authority or, at best, with power over the victim. This could indicate a man, who would be physically stronger and paternal in nature, or a powerful woman or man who had authority over the victims, which seems to hint at teachers, coaches, parents, et al.
Let me say that I believe from the charts I am reading that this woman died around 10:30 pm. In this chart, above, the first house is taken over by Leo and the Sun in the fourth house falls into a trine with Mars in Cancer in the twelfth and Uranus in Pisces in the eighth house, a death pattern. An interesting aspect is that Uranus, now the seventh house ruler, is a part of this trine.. and is the planet in the eighth house of death. This was a sudden thing, it was not dragged out or deeply involved. The room appears to be a mess but that speaks to the sloppiness of Mars in Cancer. Uranus in Pisces creates the emotional excitement and momentum to get it done. She was faced suddenly and attacked instantly, no talking, no fooling around. Uranus in Pisces defines her attacker and this planet is within 10 degrees of the node, which tells us that this was someone she knew. This was not a stranger.
Mars is sinister to Uranus so this shows the knife. Uranus in the eighth disposed of by Neptune in the seventh supports the theory that this was related to a sexual proposal. A sudden, secretive proposal. But I am not sure there was a rejection here. The Sun, chart ruler, is in Scorpio, disposed of by Pluto in the fifth, near Jupiter. This same Sun is also disposed of by the fallen Mars in Cancer in the twelfth house. Now I'm thinking this wasn't a proposal, at all. This was a preplanned tryst. The fact that they found evidence of sex but could not prove rape is explained here. The chart shows this person hiding in Meredith's room for some hidden reason, which is now looking a lot like sex. But I don't see rape. The Sun is disposed of by Pluto in the fifth and Mars in the twelfth so this secret love affair had been going on for some time! Meredith went back to the room with the excuse of having to get something or find something, in order to appease the older person (Saturn in Virgo) who was tagging along. Saturn remains in the second house throughout the event so I believe this other person left with the retrieved item early on. And then Meredith and the secret person in her room had their tryst.
But I am not sure Meredith expected as much. I am not sure she was a part of the "plan" but merely the object. Violence occurred during this encounter, Mars shows aggression and Cancer shows a sloppy, emotional mess. Mars disposed by the Moon shows that the aggression was directed at the victim and wasn't a mistake, although it could have been sudden with both Uranus and Mars in the trine. This was not rape or unwanted sex, by any means. The Sun, the chart ruler, is involved in the same trine and disposed of by Pluto in the fifth. She wanted it.
But, actually, when doing the chart for 11 pm, I see that the same configurations still hold, showing that the attack went on for some time. There was a tryst and the attack, during the same event. The person she was having a secret sex thing with was the person who flipped out and killed her. And although the death pattern begins at 10:30, it doesn't complete until after 11, so she did not die right away. I know they say this in the reports, but it's always good to note when the chart bears out the facts. She was attacked during this time and did not die for awhile. Sad. I cannot seem to shake the feeling that there is some evidence or personal object in that room that could provide clues. In the chart for 11 pm, the only planet that has moved is the fourth house ruler, Venus, which is now in the second. This shows a belonging in the home that should be a focus. What did Meredith go back for? Who was it that wanted something she had, that sent her to the room to begin with? Why is it not noted that she had only come home a few minutes before the event? Hmm.
They say Amanda proposed sex to her and she refused. But I don't see a refusal in this chart. I see a secret sexual relationship that carried on this day. I believe she was killed during consensual sex. They say they found evidence of recent sex but no proof of rape but can they tell if she had sex with a man? Or do they think it was a woman? Lack of semen on the body could indicate condom use or it could indicate lesbian sex. Could she and Amanda been having a secret lesbian affair? What do the facts bear out? And who was this person who went back to her room with her? Here is what the charts seem to describe: Meredith was asked to locate an item in her room by a person she knew. It seems unlikely that this was coincidental under the circumstances, so we might consider that she was led there by a mutual friend of both hers and her lover, for the purpose of facilitating the tryst. Has someone like this come forward? I am not well read on the case, on purpose, so I leave the details to the investigators. Too many details and I start reading charts like newspaper stories. So forgive me if I sound stupid; just consider whether the charts fit the facts! The charts are telling that Meredith Kercher was killed by a secret lover in the heat of passion after a tryst. Perhaps she was trying to call it off? And perhaps this hurt her lover deeply, causing the violence.
I realize that a decision in this case should come down shortly. I also realize that I will not influence it one iota. but anything that furthers the possibility that a forensic system for Astrology will emerge as reliable enough to be used as tool in these hard to solve cases, all the better. My heart goes out to the families of both the victims and the accused. From the chart, I cannot say whether her killer was male or female, but I can give a cursory description that may help sort it out. The placement describes a person who is short, wiry and muscular in form; a woman would have an "athletic" body. This person has an active walk, a brisk walk and sometimes walks sideways. In fact, they would often step sideways as a matter of moving along. According to traditional readings, this person would have a "dull" complexion, which I translate to mean "muddy". They would also have thick hair that is light brown or almost blond. Hazel grey or blue eyes, not brown. They may also have a "hooked" or misshapen nose. Because of the placement, I tend to add a few things of my own to this. This person drinks or, at least, likes to drink and may have had a few. This person may have also been an "imposter" of sorts, Meredith may have believed things about him or her that just weren't true. In fact, this person may actually not be who they claim to be; identity theft or similar. I also believe it was a revenge killing, where this lover wanted exclusivity and was dismayed to discover betrayal. Meredith had outright lovers, as is noted in the reports, so this hidden one may have been unhappy with this. Jealousy is a strong property when relating to Mars in Cancer.
Again, I must note that Mars in Cancer is merely the symbolic descriptor for our murderer. This does not denote Sun in Cancer, nor is it proof that the killer had Mars in Cancer in the natal chart. Overall, this person could be any sex and any sign. It is up to viewers to determine whether the descriptors fit a certain person. But, I must say, right up front, that this does not sound like Amanda Knox to me. Still, the video tapes they have show her on the scene around the time of the murder so what role did she play? She may have been the secret lover.. or perhaps she helped that person commit this crime? I can only hope the authorities have the facts and that, in the end, they get it right.
Technorati Tags: murder, rape, sex, killing, american, Italy, british student, american student, women, dorm, investigate, forensics, analyze, astrology, planets, charts
american student,
british student,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Jacqueline Nicole Vienneau
From Find Nicole:
Name: Jacqueline Nicole Vienneau
Last Seen: March 31, 2007
Location: Cairo Hotel, Hama, SYRIA
Nationality: Canadian
Age: 33 (looks younger)
Height/Weight: 5' 6" and 130 pounds
Other: Brown hair, Brown eyes, wears contacts. She was last seen wearing a long-sleeve red shirt with white sleeves, long khaki pants with side pockets, gray and blue New Balance running shoes, a red baseball cap, red-tinted sunglasses and carrying a small blue knapsack.
Circumstances of Disappearance: Nicole was last seen the morning of March 31, 2007 by the staff of the Cairo Hotel in Hama, Syria as she left for a day of sightseeing in the area. She did not return, and has not been seen by anyone since. She left her personal belongings at the hotel.
She was last seen by the desk clerk at 8:30 in the morning as she left the Cairo Hotel in Hama, two hours north of Damascus.
This is a complicated and difficult case. The timeline of events as they occurred after Nicole disappeared is way too lengthy to include all of it here but if you wish to read about this case, you can see it at her brother's daily weblog, available HERE. She disappeared on the morning of March 31, or, at least, has not been seen by anybody since then, but the knowledge of that fact was delayed because she was so far from home. In Canada, her family did not sound alarms for a week or two, because she was sightseeing in Syria and was only contacting them every week or so. But there has been a long and detailed search, missing persons reports were issued in Syria and the local areas and the RCMP, the Canadian Embassy and Interpol got involved, so it cannot be said that efforts weren't made. But I must say that anyone planning to travel in a foreign country should take this case to heart; traveling alone is not a good idea, especially if you are a female. In a country such as Syria, where their attitudes and treatments of women are far different than ours, you should always bring a friend or at the very least arrange for a local contact.
Nicole is still missing. Her credit cards and bank accounts have been left alone and they are pretty sure (although not completely so) that she is not in a Syrian prison or prison in a neighboring country. Interpol has accessed her email accounts and been through her hotel room and has found no clues. The big question they have, regarding what evidence they have been able to trace, is whether or not Nicole even made it to the bus stop that morning after leaving the hotel. This is a credible suspicion because people who recall seeing her WEEKS before her disappearance do not recall seeing her after the last of March. Syrians do notice a Canadian woman in their midst, believe me. There were also extortion attempts that muddied the water; people saying they had her when they didn't. So the case is scattered, complicated and almost impossible to investigate. The best that could be done has been done. So what will the charts tell us? At the very least, we'll see if she got on that bus and whether or not she was still alive on the evening of March 31.

The first chart I draw up, for the morning of March 31, I see right away that Nicole is not alone. Gemini is rising and Mercury is in the eleventh house of friends in conjunction with Uranus and the north node. She is with someone else that morning, someone she met suddenly in Syria and made previous plans with. They had planned their morning together in great detail and were going off together to sightsee. Notice that Jupiter, the seventh house ruler, is in the seventh in the sign Sagittarius, in dignity. This person was a fellow traveler who had better knowledge of the region than she did. The fact that Uranus rules the tenth house also tells me that this person is a person in "authority", someone with stature and public presence. This person was to be Nicoles' "guide" around town this morning. I put quotes around the word authority because both Mercury and Uranus are disposed of by Neptune in the tenth so the story she was told may be false. In other words, this person may have claimed to be a politician or a local authority but have lied. Notice that the Moon, which is Nicole's co ruler, is in the fifth house. This hints that not only did Nicole expect this person to show her a "good time" but she may have been attracted to this person as well.
One more thing I want to add is that Mercury, the chart ruler, is opposed to the Moon, which is the co ruler. This tells me that Nicole went against her better instincts this morning and trusted somebody she wasn't sure she could. She took a risk, going on her emotions (the Moon) against her better senses (Mercury). I get the feeling that Nicole was a broad minded humanitarian type who did not judge people harshly. And here is the thing. In the chart for the next hour, at 9 am, the Moon has moved into the fourth house. Mercury is right at the midheaven, in conjunction, in fact. It is also EXACTLY square to the fixed star, Ras Algethi, which literally translates as "a devious plot is involved." Also to be considered in the chart is that Mercury, the Moon and Jupiter are all involved in a T-square, with Jupiter as the outlet. Jupiter rules the seventh house. And in this T-square we also have Ras Algethi. Nicole was obviously in "a jam" of sorts; she wanted to visit an area she could not get access to, perhaps. And this person promised to take her. I'm not saying this is exactly the case, just an example of possibilities. Since the seventh house ruler outlets for the T Square, which involves her ruling planets, there is no doubt that this person provided a solution to some problem she was having. The exact conjunction of the node to Uranus makes me think that the whole thing was a scheme.

Jupiter is such a powerful planet in this chart. It starts out ruling the seventh house, which is very telling. It is collecting light, as well, from both Saturn in Leo and Uranus in Pisces. And the Moon is sinister to a square. This makes the person who was in her presence both powerful and masterful. If this person had dastardly intentions she did not have the power or the strength to overcome it. Her chart ruler, Mercury, is in fall in Pisces and sinister to a square, an opposition and an inconjunction. This basically clouded her judgment and made her vulnerable and unable to save herself. The Moon having moved into the fourth house by 9 am indicates that she went to someone's home or office. She was taken there, basically, as she was in the company of someone else from the git go. I do not see any sign that she was taken against her will. But this would explain her not getting on the bus. She was led off elsewhere, perhaps to take other transportation. You will see in the next chart that this makes total sense.
When you notice that the Moon is translating light from Mercury to Jupiter, you can pretty much tell that she went willingly. She actually made the effort to seek this person out, as was previously planned. This person may have been waiting outside the hotel, I am not sure, but she caught up with him or her right away. Nicole was not on that bus, as was expected. She was waylaid elsewhere. In the next chart, for 9:30 am, Jupiter still rules the seventh and it falls into the sixth. With the Moon still in the fourth, this indicates that they went to this person's office and not the home. This is where he or she works. So they went there before setting off on the sightseeing tour that Nicole seems to have planned. Perhaps she was told that some work needed to be done quickly that morning; a return of a phone call, a picking up of a message, checking the email, perhaps. Nicole's rulers, Mercury and the Moon, are still in the angular axis, indicating that they are "out in the open" where they could be seen. It is not known if they were seen, actually, but at this point they were not hiding on purpose.

At around 9:45 am, Cancer rolls onto the Ascendant and Capricorn is falling. Saturn is now placed in the third house with the Moon following. They are leaving to go on their trip. Saturn in the third implies that her companion is providing the transportation, whether that is a car or not is hard to tell, considering cultural differences. Just that this person provides the method by which they are traveling. This may even be another, different bus. But notice how the Moon follows Saturn at this point, semi sextile in aspect, indicating that this person is leading the way and Nicole is following along, willingly. Again, I do not see her being forced. Coerced, perhaps, but not forced. Within moments of 9:45, the Moon follows into the third house. Do you know what this looks like to me? This person went and got the vehicle they would be using and came around for Nicole and she went along. This explains the delay between one moving and the other lagging behind, doesn't it? Especially when the lag is more than a few minutes; the time at which she seems to "get in" the vehicle is after 10 am, more than 15 minutes later! To be exact, 10:15 am, the chart for which follows.
In this chart, the Moon is disposed of by Mercury in the ninth, the tenth and fourth house rulers are also in the ninth, the node is in the ninth, while Saturn is disposed of by the Sun in the tenth. This combination seems to say that they are out and about in the country, exploring "foreign" areas that are rather wild or unsettled, such as deserts, old ruins, caves or other "wild" and "out of the way" places. But they are "out in the open", along roadways or other public areas. Perhaps moving among crowds of tourists; that makes a lot of sense. Saturn, now the seventh house ruler, is in the second house which says that this person she is with is "making money" or "collecting money" or dealing with money is some fashion. Perhaps he is a merchant or trader and offered to take her to the markets. The other possibility is that he is spending money on her, taking her places and entertaining her. But Saturn is trine Jupiter in the sixth, which seems to indicate work and money together, so the first scenario is more likely.

Saturn is in accidental fall in the sign Leo in the second house and it is opposing Neptune, the tenth house ruler. Saturn is also retrograde. This reduces the power and strength of the planet and describes her companion as now being at a disadvantage. I think at some point it was exposed that he or she had lied in some way. The "scheme" or lie was revealed. He or she did not have the knowledge they had claimed to have. Or did not have access to areas they had promised. Something like this. Saturn is inconjunct to Uranus, hinting that perhaps a miscalculation caused this to happen. I cannot tell from the charts whether this caused a scene or a fight, in fact, it doesn't look that way at all. Moving the charts forward through the hours ahead, I see Nicole on her own, moving along, traveling. It's as if she separated from this phony and got off on her own, perhaps way off her original path or in a place where she got lost. She does not appear to be with the same person over time and it looks like she travels around a lot. At one point, she is trying to get money. Whether she did nor not would be a matter of record. But late in the morning, money became an issue. Perhaps she had expected her original companion to pay for everything and then, after this person was revealed as an imposter, she was left with her own resources, which may have been meager. And it looks like she was traveling a lot.
Now, I know the next question would be, in what direction was she traveling? Well, according to the charts and the traditional interpretations, she was coming from an area northeast of where she started out and was now traveling south by southwest, presumably attempting to get back to her starting place. Even as late as 1 pm, when Leo rules the chart and the Sun is in the ninth, you can see that she is still alive and traveling over open terrain. She was NOT in a city. She was out in "open" somewhere. I am totally unaware of the terrain of Syria, other than that my hamster is from there and it's got a lot of deserts and the hamster, whose name is Boo, digs tunnels in desert sand. So I am helpless in this matter; I just know she is not in a city or on a major highway. She is out "in the wild", whatever that is in Syria.

In the next chart, for noon, a new person has appeared. Capricorn has just moved onto the descendant and Saturn is now at the first house. This person presents to her, an introduction occurs. Moments later, the chart changes drastically. Leo takes over the first house and Aquarius is falling. The Sun in the ninth with Uranus shows that they met traveling, on the road. In a bus, perhaps? The node close to Uranus makes it look like a sudden event, the meeting, but that a plan was immediately made. They weren't together, but I think this person offered to travel with her, to help her, or to show her around. Saturn, which co rules Aquarius and is in dignity in that sign, is also disposed of by the Sun, which rules the first house. This person had "designs" on Nicole. No doubt about it. Mars rules the tenth house so they may have been in "rough terrain" and she may have been glad for the help.
At 12:30 pm, Uranus and the node join Mercury in the eighth. This looks like a scheme is hatched. A secret plot, of sorts. Mercury makes it seem like a younger person was used as a part of the ruse; in the middle east men often marry much younger women, so this may have been a "child bride". The Sun, Nicole's ruler, is disposed of by Mars, which in conjoined Neptune in the seventh. Neptune, if you also notice, disposes of the seventh house ruler. The ruse is used to bring them together and although Nicole is suspicious and questioning them aggressively, they manage to fool her. Mars is dexter to Neptune, which means she missed something. She overlooked something important in the matter; something they were lying about, perhaps. Moon is in the second so they may have assumed she had money. Perhaps they had seen her with money earlier; the chart showed her looking for money or spending some of it at one point.

Sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 in the afternoon, Nicole stopped traveling. Whether she got off a bus or came to a rest area or left a sightseeing group is just not discernable. But she did stop traveling. Notice in the 2 pm chart the big group of planets in the seventh house with Mars at the cusp. Notice also that the Sun has moved into the eighth and Saturn has crossed into the twelfth. Jupiter trines Saturn from the fourth. I think they jumped her and killed her quickly. It does not look like they hid her or took her anywhere alive. She was not raped or tortured or put through any ordeal. The aspects showing an attack or assault are simultaneous with the death. It was instant. So she did not suffer. And it seems to have been over money they believed she had.. or knew she had from seeing her spend some earlier. Uranus opposes the Moon on the first house axis. It was a quick, sudden confrontation. Mars and Neptune oppose Saturn from the seventh house cusp to the twelfth house. They sneaked up on her, attacked her and her death was very swift. Sun, the chart ruler, in the eighth house is disposed of by Mars, showing that her death occurred as a direct result of a physical assault. Venus, the tenth house ruler, is placed in the ninth, showing the terrain where they were to be "rough" and "outdoorsy". They were in a vast, unpopulated area.
It is an attractive area, however, with a lovely landscape. Venus in Taurus is in dignity and has great power at the midheaven. This may help those who are searching. The area would be one with fields of plants, wheatfields, perhaps, or other grains and maybe nearby pastures with cattle or other livestock. There may also be dark, hidden areas in the landscape such as caves or burrows where animals hide. There may be plowing or cultivating going on in this area. There may also be nearby fields with colorful flowers. This is where Nicole ended up. Looking at Saturn in Leo, I think it is somewhere with large animals (do they have wildcats in Syria?) and may be a desert area. Someplace hot and sunny. Also, it must be noted, that there was more than one person involved in her death. Two adults and one young female, it looks like. These people had nothing to do with her earlier foray with the person she had met in the morning. No connection whatsoever. But what the earlier side trip did was through off the searchers. She did not start out as she usually did; she had made plans with someone she had met and those plans fell through later, leaving her on a different route in a different area than she intended. This placed her where she was when she was robbed and killed. It is interesting that none of her cards or bank accounts were touched afterwards, indicating that these were simple people who didn't know what to do with anything but cash. And it may have been a small amount of cash; after all, many people are very poor everywhere, including America. To many people, a few dollars means a meal for the week. And a precious life is not valued by these people the way we value life; poverty has made them angry and terrified of living. So life has little value to them.
If you have an information about this case, please email: or
Technorati Tags: missing, abducted, woman, girl, french canadian, canada, syria, middle east, kidnapping, forensics, astrology, detective, investigate, cold case, unsolved mystery
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